Speaking Out

How the Obama Administration Is Right on Food Aid Reform
New local purchasing efforts could be far more effective than current ones.
Solving Poverty Is Rocket Science
Christians are among America’s most compassionate people. But we can do a better job responding to the complexity of poverty.
What Did the Supreme Court Really Change Today?
The rulings today on DOMA and Proposition 8 are an opportunity for gospel witness.
Our Eulogy for Exodus International
Its end feels like the death of a loved one with whom we've had a complicated history.
Exodus in the Wilderness
Alan Chambers's impassioned apology reflects many elements of godly repentance, but it also goes awry in three key ways.
The Good News of Common Core
What new literacy standards mean for Christians.
Is Fatherhood Fading Out?
A Christian response to the boom in absent dads.
The Despair of Dead Ends
Like St. John of the Cross, we wait expectantly in the darkness.
Is Robert Griffin III the New Tim Tebow?
The expectations and idolatry of Christian celebrity culture.
Putting War on Trial
Lessons from the case of Guatemala’s Efraín Ríos Montt.
Do All Children Go to Heaven?
Reconciling original sin and death of the innocent.
Don't Make George Soros Oppose Prostitution
The government's ideology requirement at question in USAID v. Open Society International is dangerous.
A Defense of the N-Word in Christian Hip Hop
Considering controversial language in Sho Baraka's latest album.
When Suicide Strikes in the Body of Christ
Neither life nor death, not even suicide, can separate us from the love of God.
Pope Francis's Emerging Revolution
I'm not a Catholic, but each day brings more encouraging news about the new bishop of Rome.
Why It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Google Reader
From articles to Scriptures, how we read matters as much as what we read.
The Hands of Jason Bateman and the Hands of Christ
A body double reflects on how a movie set reminds him of church ministry.
Don't Let Dysfunctional Politics Override the Christian Call for Justice
Facing critics from both sides after I quit the AARP.
Persecution in China Is Very Real
You can argue that Christians are more free than they were 30 years ago. But persecution is rising and the central government does plan to eradicate house churches.
China Isn't Trying to Wipe Out Christianity
A new report on persecution belies important changes in the country's religious freedom.

Top Story July 16, 2024

J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
The Catholic convert brings a fighter persona and outsider’s view to politics.

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