Church Life+Ministry

Science Finds Religion at Symposium
Academic disciplines meet at C S. Lewis conference
New Catechism a Bestseller
Churches Challenge Synod Ruling
Martyrs' Lost Plane Recovered in Ecuador
Should Catholics and Evangelicals Join Ranks?
Ending the Cold War Between Theologians and Laypeople
Why Christian scholars don't trust laypeople, and what can be done to make the relationship better
Confronting Canada's Secular Slide
Why Canadian evangelicals thrive in a culture often indifferent to religious faith.
RE-Imagining Labeled 'Reckless'
PCUSA says conference pushed 'beyond the boundries.'
Divided Pentecostal Groups to Pursue Unity
The Church After Rodney King
Not violence, but indifference to the evil of race and class bias is the persistent sin of white Christians.
Eugene Peterson: A Monk Out of Habit
What spirituality has to do with place, creativity, community, and subversion.
Hard Questions for Robert Schuller About Sin and Self-Esteem
Controversy has swirled around Robert Schuller’s teachings about self-esteem and possibility thinking. Some have accused him of being soft on the doctrine of sin. To answer these questions we went to Schuller personally, as well as to his writings and preaching.
The Legend(s) of John Todd
The Christian Church in Burma
'Tell the missionaries that there are now twice as many Christians as when they left.'

Top Story June 26, 2024

Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
For all their faults, our marriage rituals present family and promise-keeping as beautiful, desirable, and worth the effort.

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