Church Life+Ministry

Smithton Revival: Revival's Relocation Pits Pastor Against Alienated Followers
Pastor Steve Grey and two-thirds of the congregation move from Smithton to Kansas City
Day of Terror, Day of Grace
In the wake of fatal attacks killing thousands, Christians steer America toward prayer, service, and reconciliation.
Volunteers Bring Glad Tidings to Ground Zero
Church located 2.5 miles from World Trade Center feels God has used [us] because of where we are.
"Where I Minister, Grace Abounds Over Sin"
"At Ground Zero, a New York pastor strives to be a symbol that God is present and available."
"Churches, Charities Encourage Taxpayers to Give Caesar's Rebate to Godly Causes"
Christians urged to consider donating to areas they wish received more government funding.
"Nation's Religious Leaders Urge Calm, Pray for Peace"
Churches will maintain prayer vigils for victims and leaders
Church Leaders Around World Deplore 'Unspeakable Horror' of Attack
Christians urged to unite in prayer as they unite in shock and denunciation.
In the Belly of the Beast
"Christians, calling terrorist attack satanically brilliant, minister at epicenter of World Trade disaster"
"Churches, Agencies Respond to Attacks"
"Leaders call for prayer, justice, and mercy"
A Wake-Up Call to Become Global Christians
"The deadly attacks on America will provoke many responses, but Christians are commanded to love our neighbors."
Christians Provide Comfort in the Shadow of Calamity
"Still stunned and reeling, New Yorkers seek support at prayer service"
Shaken Christians Turn to Prayer
"Impromptu services usher in the bereaved by word of mouth, road signs, and e-mail"
Illinois Pastor on Fatal Flight
"Jeffrey Mladenik, 43, was involved in workplace ministry, international adoption."
Communication Troubles Challenge U.S. Church Relief Agencies
"Aid work continues amid atmosphere of shock, fear, and sporatic harrassment."
'Is That Thunder?'
"With metal cracking at the World Trade Center, New York pastors cry out to God."
Churches Meet Needs at Ground Zero
"Brooklyn pastors and parishioners thank God for survival, but help victims and families cope."
Church Mourns 'Father Frank'
Fond memories comfort those who knew retired priest killed in World Trade Center attack.
Orthodox Church Near Ground Zero Hopes to Rise Again
"Members hope to rebuild 169-year-old structure, which stood only 500 feet from the World Trade Center"
Fire Department Chaplain Dies in the Line of Duty
Father Mike is remembered for compassion and always being first on the scene.
The Legacy of Prisoner 23226
Twenty-six years after leaving prison, Charles Colson has become one of America's most significant social reformers

Top Story July 27, 2024

‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
French evangelicals are working together to show people Jesus at 2024 Olympic Games.

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