Church Life+Ministry

What to Do about Unbiblical Unions
African churches seek a better response to polygamy than in years past as western churches address new same-sex marriages.
Less Edgy Conferences
Youth Specialties refocuses training events after pushback.
Reconcilable Differences
Fifteen years after genocide, Rwanda is showing signs of healing.
A City of Angels for the Homeless
How one church in the nation's homeless capital is responding.
Family Ties
Facing lawsuits and an FBI probe, Angel Food's story bears warnings about family-run mega-ministries.
Martyrs Killed by Conspiracy
Investigation links Malatya murders to cabal of generals, politicians.
'We Are Not Commanded To Be a Docent in the Art Museum. We Are Commanded To Love the Poor.'
World Vision president Richard Stearns says the greatest sin of our generation is apathy.
When to Be Naïve
It's not a virtue just for children.
The Changing Face of Apologetics
Lee Strobel doesn't think the traditional methods work anymore.
Too Unorthodox Even for the Episcopal Church?
Church leaders appear to have vetoed a bishop-elect for the first time since the 1930s. But few opponents are celebrating.
The Soul of the Border Crisis
Local churches are key in fixing the immigration mess.
How Tim Keller Found Manhattan
The pastor of Redeemer Church is becoming an international figure because he's a local one.
Does Twitter Do Us Any Good?
How the movement of the Trinity can help us decide.
Global is the New Local
Princeton's Robert Wuthnow says American congregations are more international than ever.
Christ Alone
Why indulgences are still a bad idea.
Lost Pentecost
How to capture a richer meaning of our Sunday for the Holy Spirit.
Keeping Holy Ground Holy
A new survey suggests that seekers are not looking for user-friendly, mall-like buildings.
Theology in Wood and Concrete
Six Protestant churches that strive to match form with faith.
Speak the Gospel
Use deeds when necessary.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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