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Pengharapan Sejati Tidak Dapat Direkayasa
Apa yang terjadi saat kita merangkul batas kekuatan kita?
La esperanza verdadera no se puede fabricar
¿Qué ocurre cuando aceptamos los límites de nuestras fuerzas?
Истинную надежду невозможно «выработать»
Что происходит, когда мы осознаем свои ограничения?
True Hope Cannot Be Manufactured
What happens when we embrace the limits of our strength?
진정한 소망은 만들어질 수 없습니다
우리 능력의 한계를 받아들일 때 어떤 일이 일어날까요?
There Is No One Fully Optimized, Not Even One
How a “low anthropology” pushes back on perfectionistic assumptions about human nature.
Pastors Need Friends Born for Adversity
When beloved congregants turned on me, who could I trust for advice?
How I Leverage My Autism for Pastoral Ministry
My life-changing diagnosis forced me to learn myself—and my ministry role—all over again.
From the Small
In the body of Christ, the voices of the small and suffering need to be heard more clearly. By listening more intently.
Great Leaders Know How to Handle Their Emotions
But that probably doesn’t mean what you think.
The Age of DisIncarnation
Like Jesus, we must accept, even embrace, our embodied limitations.
Finding God’s Strength in Our Weakness
We do not win battles on our own
A Theology of Tears
Why do we believe ‘There’s no crying in ministry’?
The Surprising Power of Our Weakest Moments
In God’s hands, crosses become instruments of life-giving grace
The Upside of Failure - "Experts in Weakness"
Could your leadership "weaknesses" really be your strengths?
Pastoral Envy
Dear Lord, please give me a mega ministry when I burn out.
Experts in Weakness
I don't fit the typical definition of a "strong" leader, and I am glad I don't.

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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