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“Elas estão dando tudo o que têm”: como pequenas igrejas estão salvando vidas nas enchentes do Rio Grande do Sul
Em um dos estados mais seculares do país, pequenas congregações têm tido um grande impacto com sua resposta à catástrofe.
‘Offering Everything They Have’: How Small Churches Are Saving Lives in Brazil’s Floods
In the country's most secular state, tiny congregations have made a big impact by their disaster response.
How a CrossFit Gym Is Making a Small Town Strong
A new documentary captures how an exercise community helps people dealing with addiction—and offers an example for churches.
Why We Preach for Proper Names
The local church is small and placed for a reason.
Blog Forum | PivotEpisode 0|4min
Introducing "Can This Work In A Small Church?" (Podcast Transcript)
This space is now a companion to my new podcast, "Can This Work In A Small Church?" Here's what it's all about.
How Can Church Plants Gather So New People Can Comfortably Join?
5 public places that may allow church plants to meet in person
A Little Bird Told Me ...
Ministry wisdom can be found anywhere, even on Twitter.
No, The New CDC Guidelines Are Not A "Win" For Small Churches
We should all look forward to the day when churches of all sizes are able to gather again.
How Much Does The Pastor's Personality Affect Church Growth Or Size? (Survey)
Can you take this short survey to help us understand more about small churches and their leaders?
Do You Serve In A Small Church? We See You, And You Matter
You may feel alone, but you're not. You're seen, loved and appreciated.
How To Discover Your Ministry When Your Calling Isn’t What You Expected
If you can’t do the kind of ministry that’s expected of you, try the unexpected.
4 Unexpected, Counterintuitive Truths About Uncool Churches
When a church is blessing the people they’re called to reach, they should be celebrated, not ridiculed for not being cool enough.
Celebrating The Essential Role Of The Historically Small Church
Let’s help today’s small churches be as great as yesterday’s small churches.
Why Are There So Few Resources For Churches Under 50?
If you’ve learned something practical about pastoring a very small church, we need to get that information out to others.
7 Reasons Small Churches Are An Essential Part Of The Body Of Christ
Small churches have an amazing capacity to bounce back over and over again.
Are You Called To Be A Small Church Pastor Or A Big Church Pastor?
Three simple assessments that can give you an idea about the size of church you may be best suited to serve.

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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