
Book of the Week

A Canonization of Subjectivity
Andrew Sullivan's catechism.
It Wasn't Really About Whiskey
A compelling and entertaining but also deeply flawed account of an episode in early American history.
The Ties That Bind
Anne Tyler's new novel centers on two very different families brought together when they both adopt Korean girls.
Live Like You Are Dying
Finding wisdom in wilderness.
Not the Wheel Thing
A history of the Tour de France.
Incorrigibly Bookish
Michael Dirda on reading and life.
Betrayed Again
The Gospel of Judas Roadshow.
Was George Washington a Christian?
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
Passionately Ambivalent
Christians in the art world.
Making—and Breaking—Vows
A compelling memoir from the son of a priest and a former nun.
Dissecting Divorce
A new book by Elizabeth Marquardt offers a child's-eye-view of divorce.
With God on Our Side
David McCullough's account of the pivotal year 1776 has resonance for Americans in 2005.
The Mind and Soul of Combat
Perhaps war really is hell.
The Universal Language
If Latin died in our mouths, we'd just stop talking.
Jesus' Guide to Spiritual Formation
The Lord's modified creed was key for disciples' growth, author says.
Wayfaring Strangers
Set in Mexico, Anita Desai's latest novel is a compact but multilayered tale of pilgrimage.
What Do You Mean, 'Moral' Fiction?
John Gardner, Martin Amis, and the ethics of the novel.
Books & Culture's Book of the Week: What's Love Got to Do with It?
Susan Howatch's new novel explores the transformation of sexual attraction to sacrificial love.
Books & Culture's Book of the Week: The Great American Hustle
The first volume of an ambitious new history of America highlights the engine of worldly ideals—and the role of evangelical religion in creating a distinctive American identity.
A Forgotten Founder's Fatherhood
Race, nature, and patriarchy meet in Rhys Isaac's biography of early American diarist Landon Carter.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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