
Under Discussion

Should High-Profile Converts Wait to Publicly Share Their Conversion?
Experts weigh in on controversy over Two and a Half Men star's conversion.
Should Seminary Professors Be Granted Tenure?
The Kentucky Court of Appeals says it can't be enforced. Should schools use it anyway?
Is Megachurch Worship Addictive?
Scholars, including the coauthor of the recent study alleging that it creates a "high," weigh in.
Should Pastors Be Required to Sign a Code of Ethics?
Observers weigh in.
Should Pastors Be Guaranteed Job Security?
Observers weigh in.
Should Denominations Be Organized Geographically?
Observers weigh in.
Should Churches Halt Missions Trips to Mexico?
Observers weigh in.
Is the Lord's Prayer a Christian Prayer?
Observers weigh in as a judge considers the question.
Is Mercury Pollution's Effect on Newborns a Pro-Life Issue?
Observers weigh in.
Has the Same-Sex Marriage Debate Helped Pro-Life Advocacy?
Observers weigh in.
Should Churches Trademark their Names and Logos?
Observers weigh in.
Do You Follow the Liturgical Calendar?
Observers weigh in on why they do or don't follow the church year.
Should Pastors Perform Marriages for Cohabitating Couples?
Observers weigh in.
Should Churches Try to Minimize Disruptions?
Observers weigh in on how churches should respond to children disrupting a worship service.
Should We Still Give Out Tracts?
Observers weigh in on whether tracts, flyers, and street evangelism are effective tools.
Should Marital Infidelity Disqualify a Candidate from Office?
Observers weigh in on questions related to the 2012 election.
Should the China Ambassador Worship at a House Church?
Observers discuss whether the U.S. ambassador to China should worship at an unregistered church to 'publicly identify with the persecuted.'

Top Story July 27, 2024

‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
French evangelicals are working together to show people Jesus at 2024 Olympic Games.

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