
I Was Filming a Dangerous Action Scene When I Gave My Life to Christ
How a film and television stuntman met the Lord in the air.
I Grew Up a Fervent Evangelist for Islam. Now I’m Living Out the Book of Acts.
How an encounter with Christian missionaries made me into a missionary myself.
I Was a World Series Hero on the Brink of Suicide
Drugs had derailed my baseball career and driven me to despair. A chance encounter with a retired pastor changed everything.
I Took Drugs to a Church Conference. Then God Found Me.
My fierce resistance and indifference didn’t stop the Spirit.
My Savior Had Arrived—but He Wasn’t Elijah Muhammad
Why I left the Nation of Islam to follow Christ.
I Went in Search of My Jewish Heritage. Along the Way, I Found the Messiah.
How a mysterious book inscribed with a mysterious phone number changed the course of my life.
The Tirade That Made Me a Christian
After an unwelcome move halfway across the world, I vented my anger to God. Then I learned to give him control.
The Humbling of a Proud Hindu
How God got my attention when I thought I was too good for grace.
I Was a New-Age Healer. Then I Realized I Wasn’t the One Doing the Healing.
Why a Reiki master renounced her craft to follow Jesus.
I Was Warned to Keep My Distance from ‘Infidels.’ Then One Prayed for My Family.
How a son of the Arabian Gulf met the Son of God in a strange new place.
I Assumed Science Had All the Answers. Then I Started Asking Inconvenient Questions.
My journey from atheist dogma to Christian faith was paved with intellectual and spiritual surprises.
My Name Was on a Federal Most-Wanted List. Now It’s Written in the Book of Life.
When the authorities caught up with my financial shenanigans, I went on the run. But Christ caught up with me.
What Bill Maher, Donald Miller, and John Piper Have in Common
In different ways, God used them to lead me to Christ.
I Was a Theological Drifter, Then a Reform Jew, Then an Orthodox Jew, Then...
How I finally crossed the road to Christ.
My Journey from Castro to Christ
After fleeing Cuba, my family was barely surviving. Then a California church gave us a new lease on life.
A Sixth-Generation Mormon Meets a Born-Again Christian
He asked me how I knew my faith was true. I couldn’t give a compelling answer.
I Was a Violent Klansman Who Deserved to Die
Yet at the height of my segregationist fervor, God showed me mercy.
Meeting Jesus as a Black Woman in a White City
I asked God to rescue me from a place I hated. He wanted me to stay put.
Jesus Gave Me What Boozing and Brawling Couldn’t
My journey from the criminal underworld to the foot of the cross.
I Marked People for Death. Jesus Marked Me for Life.
How a gang leader found salvation in prison.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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