Christian History Corner

How the Early Church Saw Heaven
The first Christians had very specific ideas about who they would meet in the afterlife
Spurgeon on Jabez
What history's most prolific preacher said, in 1871, about the Prayer of Jabez
A Protestant Bishop Speaks Out on the Stakes of Public Education
Why concerned parents should read the 17th-century Moravian educational reformer Jan Amos Comenius
Hey, John Kerry, WWFFD?
What Would the Founding Fathers Do about the application of Christian principles to American politics? A few cautionary words.
Big Church Revival
Christian gyms and shopping malls may be new, but full-service megachurches are positively medieval
Legacy of an Ancient Pact
Why do Christians still chafe under restrictions in some Muslim nations? It all started with Umar
Divvying up the Most Sacred Place
Emotions have historically run high as Christians have staked their claims to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
2002 Is Not 1789
Before trying to figure out what the framers of the Constitution really thought, remember that they were from a wildly different country-the past
Phantom Saints
Juan Diego could soon join a long line of pious, exemplary, and quite possibly imaginary Catholic heroes
When Pacifists Attack
"350 years ago, George Fox launched a powerful, peace-loving movement with an assault on established Christianity."
Coming to America
"Commentators who call proposed INS policies an unprecedented invasion of privacy forget what foreign visitors were asked 80 years ago, and why"
Severe Success
Bernard of Clairvaux was a tough act to follow-yet thousands of Christians walked his path
Between Extremes
"Church leaders didn't like Pelagius's ideas about free will, but they've never been able to avoid them completely"
Mom, We Salute You
Mother's Day and Memorial Day were meant to go together
Of Church, State, and Taxes
If you want to know what the establishment of religion looks like, check out church history, not American tax law
Captive Christians
Views from inside Roman, English, and German prisons give a sense of how kidnapped missionaries might feel.
National Makeover
Washington's struggle to sell the American image overseas illustrates how sharply today's reality differs from seventeenth-century ideals
'Hier Stehe Ich!'
When Martin Luther stood up for his ideas at the Diet of Worms, did he really say, Here I stand?
The Profligate Provocateur
In the twelfth century, an intellectual challenge to church authority proved much more dangerous than a sex scandal
Moving Targets
Evangelizing on-the-go Americans only seems harder than it used to be

Top Story July 27, 2024

Kamala Harris Against History
Kamala Harris Against History
The candidate's "unburdened by what has been" and "coconut tree" lines push her party toward a troubling partisan divide over the past itself.

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