Christian History Corner

Christ, Culture, and History
Is the main character in the church's story God, transforming faith, or an inspired yet wayward community?
Don't Touch That Dial
Could a bitter debate among religious broadcasters really cause a full-scale split in evangelicalism?
The Politics of Patrick
In the field of Irish history, every turn of phrase hints at the author's spin
The Other Holy Day
In the rush toward Good Friday and Easter, don't forget Maundy Thursday
Easter Eloquence
The holiday has inspired great words from some of history's greatest preachers
Alternative Religions
Many non- and semi-Christian groups laid claim to the West, but none more successfully than the Mormons.
Citius, Altius, Sanctus
The modern Olympics, though hardly Christian, hail from an era when athleticism was next to godliness.
The Cremation Question
Firm belief in resurrection hasn’t kept Christians from caring—and arguing—about what happens to the bodies of the dead.
Translation Wars
Sharp as debate over the TNIV may be, the version's translators are getting off easy compared to John Wycliffe and William Tyndale.
Final Solution, Part II
The Nazis planned to obliterate Christianity, too, according to newly published Nuremberg documents.
Zion Haste
Does the passion of a few nineteenth-century Chicagoans still influence American policy in the Middle East?
State of the Fragmentation
If society denotes a group with mutual interests and common culture, the American Society of Church History almost doesn't qualify
Tell Me a Story
The most helpful church history scholarship is both broad and narrative
Christmas Countdown
When does the holiday season really start?
O Christmas Tree
A truly traditional tree would be unrecognizable—and flammable.
Christmas Kettles
The history behind a Yuletide institution
Spurgeon's Epiphany
The event he recounted more than 280 times in his sermons first occurred on January 6, 1850.
Where Are the Women?
The Christian tradition includes few female history-writers but plenty of female history-makers.
Eat, Drink, and Relax
Think the Pilgrims would frown on today's football-tossing, turkey-gobbling Thanksgiving festivities? Maybe not.
Serving God with Mammon
John Wesley's wisdom for hard economic times: earn all you can, save all you can, and give all you can.

Top Story July 28, 2024

A Theological Monument to Unity amid Diversity
A Theological Monument to Unity amid Diversity
Fifty years ago, the Lausanne Covenant’s solution to rampant division in evangelical ranks wasn’t uniformity.

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