Politics+Current Affairs

Court to decide if state can require Catholic ministries to pay for birth control
Power Shift: Canadian Alliance replaces lightning rod Stockwell Day.
New opposition party head Stephen Harper wants to be less divisive
Jesus for President
A Brazilian election judge sues Jesus for early campaigning
Prison Rape Is No Joke
"As 7-Up pulls offensive advertisement, evangelicals continue to combat prisoner rape"
Bills Would Unmuzzle Churches in Politics
Legislation would allow houses of worship to directly engage in politics without losing tax-exempt status
Hey, John Kerry, WWFFD?
What Would the Founding Fathers Do about the application of Christian principles to American politics? A few cautionary words.
Christian Leaders Call for National Unity After Riots in Peru
National Council of Evangelicals emphatically condemns violence, calls for reassessment of nation's economic policies
"Religious Liberty: Falwell, ACLU fight church restrictions and win."
Virginia laws prohibiting church incorporation found unconstitutional
Who's a Jew?: Messianic ministry sued over use of menorah.
Canadian Jews sue Chosen People Ministries over use of ancient symbol
Heresy Charge Torpedoes Pastor's Political Debut
Tulsa Christian leaders reject Pearson's 'gospel of inclusion' as universalism
"Growing Protestants, Catholics Draw Ire"
New law would expand special status for Russian Orthodoxy
Federal Appeals Court Says 'Under God' in Pledge of Allegiance Is Unconstitutional
"Schools can't ask children to swear loyalty to monotheism, says Ninth Circuit panel"
Is God an American Institution?
"The Ninth Circuit Court's decision is about more than the mention of God in a patriotic ritual, it goes to the heart of the debate about our nation's spiritual heritage"
Sex Abuse: 'A Time of Justice'
California congregation plays critical role in arrest of sex abuser
Catholics: Coverups Prompt Demands for Resignation
New evidence suggests Boston archbishop protected known pedophile priests
Parents' Rights: Fatal Revelations
Massachusetts battles parents in tiny sect after two children die
Parsonage in Peril
Congress protects tax exemption
Give Us a [Tax] Break
It is the state's business to discourage what hurts the community and encourage what builds it up
GOP Seeks Black Clergy Affiliations
Republicans say that attracting minorities is their number one priority.
Are Evangelicals the 'New Internationalists?'
Evangelical leaders say New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof is mostly right, but late

Top Story July 16, 2024

J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
The Catholic convert brings a fighter persona and outsider’s view to politics.

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