Politics+Current Affairs

Trivializing the Transcendent
What can science really tell us about faith?
'A More Practical Approach'
A fledgling group in China tries a 'new' strategy to secure human rights.
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Gory
Two historians tell why Christian thought went AWOL during the civil war.
The AIDS Team
Principled collaboration by churches is urgently needed to help defeat HIV.
Pharmacists with No Plan B
Freedom of conscience and 'reproductive rights' clash at the local drugstore.
Law or Free Market?
Pursuing morality in a pluralist society.
The Noesen Saga
Counting the cost of refusing a prescription.
Leveling the Investment Field
Why has it been so hard for organizations to treat Israel like any other state?
Marriage Matters
Debate rages even after Senate and House reject federal amendment.
New Life for Nepal
Hindu monarchy abolished; churches can now register.
How Then Shall We Politick?
Michael Gerson, recently resigned Bush speechwriter and adviser, on how evangelicals should comport themselves in the public square.
Official Presbyterian Publisher Issues 9/11 Conspiracy Book
Process theologian David Ray Griffin is among the most prominent proponents of theory that Bush administration, not Al Qaeda, was behind attacks.
Not a Burning Issue
The Air Force drops a flag-folding ceremony over religious references, and no one cares.
Live from Beirut
An Arab-world Christian satellite television station struggles to operate from Lebanon.
Steps to Recovery
Victim of mistaken ID in Taylor van crash walking again.
'Who Is My Neighbor' in the Lebanon-Israel Conflict?
Further reflections from the academic dean of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Lebanon.
The Silent Human Conscience
What should I tell my daughter when bombs fall and the great nations say nothing?
Prince of Peace's Hometown Bombarded
Missiles' booms sound the alarm to our forsaken responsibility of peace making.
We Risk Not Just Suffering, But Annihilation
An open letter to Dr. Martin Accad.
Another Point of View: Evangelical Blindness on Lebanon
The academic dean of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary is angry at evangelical Christians, Israel, Hezbollah, the U.S., and the international community.

Top Story July 19, 2024

Evangelicals Agree That Biden Should Drop Out
Evangelicals Agree That Biden Should Drop Out
Poll: Black Protestants are among the only groups who remain confident in the president’s mental capacities.

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