Politics+Current Affairs

McCain Surges in Polls, But Many Evangelicals Wary
Observers say the candidate's policy stances and lack of "faith talk" has led some to look elsewhere, but Super Tuesday may change that.
Post-Mayhem Woes
Tribal rivalries — including Christian-on-Christian violence — hamper healing.
Romney Campaign Disputes Voter Guide
Focus on the Family video says Romney acknowledged Mormonism was not a Christian faith.
Obama's Social Contract
Abortion and the candidate's commitment to freedom and equality.
Q&A: Barack Obama
"I believe in the redemptive death and resurrection of Jesus Christ."
Continental Divide
Hispanic evangelicals move toward the Democrats — and away from white evangelicals.
Pro-Israel vs. Pro-Palestine
A rabbi hopes for a better conversation.
Go Figure
Recent statistics on church social service budgets, campaign donations from clergy, and regional belief in the Bible.
Choosing Life at the Movies
2007 could be remembered as the Year of Pro-Life Cinema.
Arming in the Aftermath
Shooting spree at two churches prompts pastors to rethink security plans.
A Hole in Our Holism
Why evangelicals might be shy about sharing their faith.
Baptists Serve Kenya's Displaced After Post-Election Violence
Nearly 600 dead in clashes, and more than 250,000 ousted from homes.
Caste Down
Commission's decision imperils benefits for Christian Dalits.
What We Really Want
Despite the rumors, evangelicals will not be on the sidelines this election.
Surprise Appointment
Evangelical leader named to U.K commission upholding equal rights.
Air Support
Kenya's MAF director reports on evacuation and supply efforts.
ID Tagged
Faculty member at Iowa State University denied tenure for supporting intelligent design.
India’s Burning Issue
Conversions in Orissa—and the violent reaction against them—highlight tension in India's not-so-dead caste system.
The Megachurch Primaries
How the leading Democratic candidates are trying to win evangelical votes.
The Lima Bean Gospel
The Good News is so much bigger than we make it out to be.

Top Story July 20, 2024

In Pennsylvania, Locals Remember Corey Comperatore’s ‘Greater Love’
In Pennsylvania, Locals Remember Corey Comperatore’s ‘Greater Love’
Communities surrounding Trump’s rally site feel the shock of the tragic shooting.

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