Politics+Current Affairs

Thug Bishop
An ally of Zimbabwe's corrupt president fails in bid to launch a replacement Anglican province.
Christian Evangelism and Judaism
An exchange of views between a rabbi and a columnist.
Election 08's 'False Clerics and Schismatic Spirits'
The ubiquity of religion in this campaign season is distinctly un-Lutheran.
Westminster Theological Suspension
Peter Enns's book Inspiration and Incarnation created a two-year theological battle that resulted in his suspension.
Supreme Court to Consider Religious Monuments Case
Group wants "Seven Aphorisms" in park by Ten Commandments.
Do the Democrats Have a Prayer Yet?
Amy Sullivan explains how the Democrats alienated evangelicals and are trying to win them back.
Spiritual Disaster Preparedness
Will evangelicals show the will to pursue the prevention of a pending threat?
California Dreams
How one West Coast ministry reaps kingdom profits by planting businesses.
The Evangelical Founding Fathers
Remember the concerns of those to whom Jefferson wrote on the separation of church and state.
Heaven Is Not Our Home
The bodily resurrection is the good news of the gospel—and thus our social and political mandate.
Black Power from the Pulpit
In wake of Obama's speech, author talks about The Decline of African American Theology.
Gambling Opponents Say Moral Argument No Longer a Trump
As casinos and lotteries spread, two-thirds of Americans join in.
Seven Years in the Making, Draft ELCA Statement on Sexuality Punts
"This church does not have consensus," committee says.
Q&A: Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka
The vice president of Kenya since January, Musyoka ran for the presidency unsuccessfully in 2007.
Why Culture War May Never End
Walter Russell Mead on the benefits of division.
Our Geopolitical Moment
Walter Russell Mead argues that evangelicals have a crucial role to play in American foreign affairs.
Hazy Faith-Based Future
Charitable-choice funding will face challenges under the new administration.
Church in State
In post-Communist Germany, Christian political involvement is surging.
California Court Says Religious Claim Doesn't Grant Homeschooling Right
Appellate judge: "Parents do not have a constitutional right to homeschool their children."
The Other Baptists
New alliance may be more partisan than it lets on.

Top Story July 20, 2024

Historic First Baptist Dallas Sanctuary Burns in Four-Alarm Fire
Historic First Baptist Dallas Sanctuary Burns in Four-Alarm Fire
The 134-year-old landmark, now a nearby secondary meeting space for the church, went up in flames in downtown Dallas.

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