Politics+Current Affairs

Q & A: 'Joe the Plumber'
The man who became a metaphor for the average American in the 2008 election tells CT about his Christian faith and the future of the Republican Party.
Hispanic Groups Divided over 2010 Census
One group is urging a boycott while another group says Latinos should take part in the census.
Civil Religion's Sharper Teeth
All believers welcome, so long as they aren't religious.
Obama Uses Sermon on the Mount to Elevate Speeches
The president has used the mountainside sermon several times in recent years to explain policy.
Be Careful What You Wish For
Access to federal money may be mixed blessing for embryonic research.
The Politics of the Pump
How breast-feeding became the new front in the Mommy Wars — and why I'm going to breast-feed my first child.
El Salvador's Values Voters
Evangelicals discount portrayal as leftist voting bloc.
Q & A: Carl Moeller
The president and CEO of Open Doors USA updated CT on North Korea, which the group ranks as the world's worst persecutor of Christians.
Goodbye Charity
Churches and charitable institutions provide services that some politicians feel belong to the federal government.
Death By Deism
No merely civil religion alone can sustain a free republic.
Q & A: Newt Gingrich
The former Speaker of the House speaks to CT about the future of the Republican Party and his conversion to Catholicism.
Cal Thomas, 25 Years of Columns Later
After 2,600 columns and 11 books, the syndicated columnist shares his 'wit and wisdom.'
A Problematic Peace Accord
Christians in Swat Valley brace for Taliban rule.
Iowa Churches: We Need to Be Clear on Same-Sex Marriage
But pastors disagree whether last week's court decision should mean more activism on the issue.
'We're Not Actually Advancing Religious Freedom'
Thomas Farr says it's time for policies that actually improve liberty around the world.
Q & A: Rick Warren
The megachurch pastor who faced backlash for praying at the President's inauguration talks to CT about politics, a new magazine, and the economy.
Iowa Court Approves Gay Marriage, Vermont Passes Same-Sex Bill
Iowa becomes the first state in the Midwest and the fourth state in the country to allow same-sex marriages.
Trying to Reform the United Nations from the Inside
Human rights advocates disagree on whether the U.S. will help by joining a controversial council.
Thinking Epistemologically about Obama and Notre Dame
Francis Beckwith explains why Notre Dame's invitation is so controversial, and what it says about higher education.
Making the Local Church a Hero
The untold success story of Willow Creek in Africa.

Top Story July 21, 2024

Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
After 60 years of division, leaders hope that coming together will strengthen the church's witness.

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