
"The Good News According to Twain, Steinbeck, and Dickens"
My road to faith was paved with great literature.
The Heavyweights of Religion Research
Reference works that provide pound-for-pound excellence.
Leading with Conclusions
Much of Jesus scholarship is about neither the historical Jesus nor good scholarship.
Jenkins Gets Left Behind
Tim LaHaye signs Bantam Dell book deal for $45 million.
One Pilgrims' Regress
Church-bashers have another collection of horror stories to give them goose bumps.
Dracula is still causing a scene in Romania.
God's Peculiar People
Historian Grant Wacker explains why Pentecostals survived and even flourished.
Ghostwriting: A Borderline Deceit?
The evangelical world is being plagued by ghostwriters in the sky
Tall Tales
Two Christian thrillers rediscover the 'giants' of Genesis 6 (and Enoch).
The Upscaling of an Evangelical
Randall Balmer returns to his father's faith—with qualifications and hesitations
Myth Matters
Why C.S. Lewis's books remain models for Christian apologists in the 21st century
2001 Christianity Today Book Awards
Each winter brings a different sort of blizzard to Christianity Today's offices in the western suburbs of Chicago as publishers deluge us with nominations for our Annual Book Awards
Reimagining Missions
Two scholars seek to rescue the Great Commission from narrowly evangelistic readings, but their answers may be dangerously wide
Rock & Roll Apologetics
New and noteworthy books on the Beatles, hate, and other subjects.
Popular Culture: The Ballad of John and Jesus
Two books tell the story behind John Lennon's short-lived conversion.
1999 Christianity Today Book Awards
CT Books Awards 2000
2000 Christianity Today Book Awards
CT picks the top ten books of the past year
The Millenial Book Awards
A review of end-times books with only a wee, little bit of Y2K hype thrown in.
In His Steps: How to Become an Apprentice of Jesus
A review of Dallas Willard's "The Divine Conspiracy."

Top Story July 16, 2024

J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
The Catholic convert brings a fighter persona and outsider’s view to politics.

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