
Skillful Story-Telling
Bad Ground confirms W. Dale Cramer as a bright new voice in faith fiction
The Art of Political War
A veteran columnist urges his fellow liberals to take a lesson from those nasty conservatives.
Tom Wright Comments for Everyone
The author of the Christian Origins and the Question of God series is also writing a commentary series for the masses.
For All the Saints
A new book reminds us to get our heads and hearts together, in the company of the cloud of witnesses.
Telling Lies, Telling Stories
Lars Saabye Christensen's The Half Brother reveals imagination as escape.
Speaking in Code
A roundup of the many anti-Da Vinci Code books from Christian publishers.
The Da Vinci Rejects
What other publishers could have done to respond to Dan Brown's bestseller.
G.P. Taylor, Dracula's Former Vicar
The author of Shadowmancer talks about his early interest in the occult, and his later transformation into a clergyman.
C.S. Lewis, the Sneaky Pagan
The author of A Field Guide to Narnia says Lewis wove pre-Christian ideas into a story for a post-Christian culture.
James Lee Burke is a Cowboy with a Conscience
The author of In the Moon of Red Ponies discusses rejection, perseverance, and the call to write.
Why the 'Lost Gospels' Lost Out
Recent gadfly theories about church council conspiracies that manipulated the New Testament into existence are bad—really bad-history.
An Unpopular Topic
Marguerite Shuster explores what we have become as sinners.
Pictures of God's Love
Seeing Is Believing lays the theological foundation for imaginative prayer.
Redeeming Conflict
Boundaries Face to Face focuses on conversations for building the right walls.
Elephant in the Room
Messianic Jews seem to be an embarrassment in an otherwise thoughtful dialogue.
Learning from Our Kids
Fresh insights and conversational style makes Sacred Parenting ideal reading.
Man of Contradictions
Martin Luther was a God-obsessed seeker of certainty and assurance.
Mystery and Message
Must they compete?
Your God Is Too Small
An ironic skeptic scolds believers for domesticating the deity.
Thou Shalt Not Swap
The uses and abuses of copyright.

Top Story July 17, 2024

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