
Amazing Sin, How Deep We're Bound
Finding the courage to trust in grace.
Crash-Helmet Christianity
Talking about the real Jesus is a dangerous thing.
Life Imitates Art
Unveiling is a commendable debut novel.
Shaping Up Flabby Finances
The basic money challenge is saying no.
Spotlight on Sexism
Exploring the rise of evangelical feminism.
The Language of Sin
Why Sin Matters says sin and grace are part of the same story.
The Missions of Business
What can happen when entrepreneurs think they are missionaries first.
'You Shall Not Worship Me This Way'
How even the worship of God can be idolatrous.
The Naked City
The story of the 1977 blackout in New York—the occasion of widespread looting and destruction—has some surprisingly timely lessons for America in 2004.
Shabbos, Sheitels, and Yarmulkes
A novel set in the world of Orthodox Judaism.
Celebrating Faith in Writing
A dispatch from Calvin College's biennial event.
Dick Staub Interview: Jerry Bridges Is Still Pursuing Holiness
After 25 years, The Pursuit of Holiness is a classic.
America's Pastor
With Max Lucado, what you see is what you get. And what you get is a man who incarnates a message about second chances.
Black Theology Revisited
Two authors argue that this strain of liberation theology is as relevant as ever.
Discarding Our Masks
In True Faced, readers learn to strip off their masks.
Forget Your Bliss
The success of The Purpose-Driven Life reveals a cultural opportunity.
Relationships, Not Programs
Taking a church from dry bones to spiritual vitality
Worship Style Matters
Developing biblical foundations for understanding worship.
A Home for Nomads
M. Craig Barnes explores spirituality for restless souls
Life, Work, and the Mommy Wars
A book about real choices.

Top Story July 17, 2024

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CT Design, Redesign, and Re-redesign, from 1956 to Today
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