
With God on Our Side
David McCullough's account of the pivotal year 1776 has resonance for Americans in 2005.
Living Bible Creator Dies
But Ken Taylor's legacy is even larger.
Dennis Bakke's Ode to Joy
The outrageous way in which an energy giant's CEO had fun at work.
American Decalogue
Telling stories of U.S. morals through the prism of the Ten Commandments.
The Rich Are Different—and Not So Different—from Us
Think you're burned out on memoirs? Read this book.
The Strength of Solitude
Learning to be with God in solitude allows us to be Godly in community.
A Jewel of a Writer
Bret Lott is a true-blue evangelical who writes literary fiction that New York takes seriously (and that Oprah loves).
The Rise of the Evangelicals
Evangelicalism was once a tiny reform movement, one that was amazingly successful, says Mark Noll.
The Mind and Soul of Combat
Perhaps war really is hell.
The Compulsive Reader
What is this mania to reach the end of the book?
Quick reviews of new books.
A Higher Education
A slew of new books on faith and learning may signal a renaissance for the Christian college.
Faith and Fighting
Author Stephen Mansfield says religious belief is critical to the soldier.
The Universal Language
If Latin died in our mouths, we'd just stop talking.
What's so Radical about Orthodoxy?
Introducing Introducing Radical Orthodoxy and the project to "re-narrate" reality without the word secular.
2005 Christianity Today Book Awards
From more than 300 nominations, these books represent the year's best.
Dick Staub on the Star Wars Myth
Lucas's stories may have more in common with Hinduism than Christianity, but it's still True Myth, says the author of Christian Wisdom of the Jedi Masters.
Quick reviews of new books.
Jesus' Guide to Spiritual Formation
The Lord's modified creed was key for disciples' growth, author says.
The Words of the Word
Two sharply contrasting perspectives on Bible translation.

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