
Interview with a Penitent
How Anne Rice moved from fascination with vampires to renewed faith in Christ.
Competing Goals
Move by Family Christian Stores reveals tension with publishers.
C. S. Lewis Superstar
How a reserved British intellectual with a checkered pedigree became a rock star for evangelicals.
The Problem with Evangelical Theologies
Ben Witherington III thinks there is something fundamentally weak about each branch of the movement.
Evangelicals in a Secular Society
Ted Haggard says Galatians bars us from using the law to create a Christian nation.
Dissecting Divorce
A new book by Elizabeth Marquardt offers a child's-eye-view of divorce.
Emerging Solutions--and Problems
D. A. Carson's theological analysis of Brian McLaren, et al.
Quick reviews of new books.
Squeezing the Reader's Heart
Ted Dekker sees himself as a reverse missionary.
The $65,000 Question
And the answer my autistic grandson gives.
Is God a Psychotherapist?
M. Scott Peck's People of the Lie explores the dimensions of human and satanic evil.
Of Wardrobes and Potters
A story about faith and fairy tales.
Not a Hallmark Bible
Richard Foster and Dallas Willard on the newly  published Renovare Spiritual Formation Bible.
Quick reviews of Life@Work, The Power of Hospitality, Sex, Lies, and the Media, and When You're Facing the Empty Nest.
From Disgrace to Sage
Jonathan Aitken says having gone from political power to prison helped him write his extensive biography of Charles Colson.
How to Think the Unthinkable
The lessons of Herman Kahn.
Quick reviews of The Wet Engine, Knitting, Her Heart Can See, Sex and the Supremacy of Christ.
Running to Prison
Doing what Jesus says doesn't make any sense, but—if you actually try it—it works.
The Orthodox Avant-Garde
Armed with traditional faith, these Christians subverted the establishment, putting secular ideas under the microscope of the eternal.
With God on Our Side
David McCullough's account of the pivotal year 1776 has resonance for Americans in 2005.

Top Story July 18, 2024

Put Away Your Swords
Put Away Your Swords
Jesus used his final moments with his disciples before the crucifixion to heal his opponent’s ear—and model the way of love.

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