
Short reviews of Metaphysics and the God of Israel, Hidden Iran, and Caring for Mother.
A New Kind of Dying
Sudden death gives way to anticipated mortality. A review of Last Rights.
At the Table with Madeleine
Luci Shaw's tribute to L'Engle, a writer and friend.
My Top 5 Books on Apologetics
The Bible in Brush & Stroke
Medieval and modern join forces in the Saint John's Bible.
Whatever Happened to Samson?
This novel with a fierce intelligence should resurrect him.
'I Thirst'
What was going on with Mother Teresa?
Amish Grace and the Rest of Us
The Amish response to the Nickel Mines shootings wasn't just plain Christianity.
What's Not Coming to a Bookstore Near You
How competition to publish celebrity Christians crowds out theology.
The Best Research Yet
Two psychologists show that homosexuals should not be discouraged from seeking change.
Supernatural Sagas of Good and Evil
The foolish things of Madeleine L'Engle.
CT Classic: Madeleine L'Engle on Allegory and Prayer
"It seemed ironic and unfair that just as I was turning closer to God, I couldn't sell anything I wrote."
David Dockery on Christian Higher Ed's Key Challenges
Plus: Fearing secularization and "fundamentalization" and whether "Christian economics" exist.
Jerry Falwell Was Right
God really does judge the nations, new book argues.
My Top 5 Books on Atheism
Short reviews of First Look, Then Start Talking, What Jesus Demands from the World, and If Jesus Were Mayor.
Allah's Continent?
Not so fast, says Philip Jenkins in God's Continent.
My Top 5 Books on Sex
Spoiler Alert
The Harry Potter craze suggests we're not telling the Christian story right.

Top Story July 19, 2024

In Pennsylvania, Locals Remember Corey Comperatore’s ‘Greater Love’
In Pennsylvania, Locals Remember Corey Comperatore’s ‘Greater Love’
Communities surrounding Trump’s rally site feel the shock of the tragic shooting.

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