
On the Question of Suffering
Two authors with new books arrive at different points on the belief spectrum.
Ethical Weight Training
The author of The Year of Living Biblically talks about following biblical laws as a 'reverent agnostic.'
China will not ban Bibles at games
Chinese spokesman denounces news reports.
Angry Like God?
The Angry Christian ignores human fury's biological essence.
The Communion of the Saints
Acknowledging those who have run the race before us.
Q&A: Kay Warren
Learning to live in three worlds.
Puncturing Atheism
Fourfold God Squad brilliantly takes on Dawkins, Hitchens, & Co.
Dr. Luther's Tribulation
Feelings of God's absence didn't plague only Mother Teresa.
Amazing Newton
Aitken biography examines a giant on his own terms.
"Praise, Prayers, and Pleas"
Robert Alter's new translation of Psalms returns text to Hebraic roots.
Innocence and Ambition at Patrick Henry College
A review of God's Harvard. Also: sorting out the faithful in Catholic higher education.
A Higher Ecclesiology for Evangelicals
Bryan Litfin, author of Getting to Know the Church Fathers, says that we need to reclaim our spiritual heritage.
A Grounded Faith
Jesus and Archaeology digs deep for biblical insights.
My Top 5 Books on the Civil War
By Allen C. Guelzo, author of Abraham Lincoln: Redeemer President and Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation.
The Gospel According to Safeway
The checkout line and the good life.
Reading the World
Cultural exegesis is a necessary skill in Christian life, says the editor of Everyday Theology.
Sexy Evangelicalism
A new novel explores sex and abstinence in the evangelical subculture.
Runner-up Wife
And other resources that give insight into remarriage.
Short reviews of Americanism and 3:16.
The Son's Day to Sunday
Sunday tells how the first day of the week went from the Lord's Day to Christian Sunday.

Top Story July 19, 2024

In Pennsylvania, Locals Remember Corey Comperatore’s ‘Greater Love’
In Pennsylvania, Locals Remember Corey Comperatore’s ‘Greater Love’
Communities surrounding Trump’s rally site feel the shock of the tragic shooting.

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