
A Culture of Resurrection
How the church can help its people die well.
Living God's Ongoing Story
N.T. Wright says character matters, but thinks the Reformers disagreed.
Seven Theology Books for the Beach
Consider adding these recent releases to your summer reading list.
So Long, Insecurity
It's time we got our dignity back.
Get Thee Behind Me, Insecurity
Beth Moore tackles a menacing issue for many women.
My Top 5 Books on Prayer
Picks from Robert Benson, author of 'In Constant Prayer.'
Faithful Presence Is Not Quietism
James Davison Hunter responds to Chuck Colson and Andy Crouch.
Cross-Cultural Manners
Wise advice on dealing with money and relationships when working overseas.
Wilson's Bookmarks
'Science vs Religion,' 'Silk Parachute,' and 'Thereby Hangs a Tail.'
More than Faithful Presence
Charles Colson responds to James Davison Hunter's 'To Change the World'.
Hunter and I Agree on Culture Making (He Just Seems Not to Know It)
Andy Crouch responds to James Davison Hunter's 'To Change the World'.
Faithful Presence
James Davison Hunter says our strategies to transform culture are ineffective, and the goal itself is misguided.
A Positive Life
Living with HIV as a pastor, husband, and father.
Books to Note
Short reviews of recent books worth considering.
Bonhoeffer Stood Fast
Martyred German pastor showed theology has consequences.
My Top 5 Books on Doubt
Picks from John Ortberg, author of 'Faith and Doubt.'
Heroic Tales from Distant Lands
Stories can help us visualize the new shape of world Christianity.
Pulling the 'Jesus Boat' from the Mud
Behind the sometimes heart-stopping recovery story.
Wilson's Bookmarks
"Where Heaven and Earth Meet," "The Making of Evangelicalism," and "The Double Comfort Safari Club."
Yes, We Have a Witness
Historian Vinson Synan reflects personally on the Pentecostal movement.

Top Story July 21, 2024

Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
After 60 years of division, leaders hope that coming together will strengthen the church's witness.

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