
The Vertical Self
How biblical faith can help us discover who we are in an age of self obsession.
Wilson's Bookmarks
'Against the Tide,' 'The History of the Medieval World,' and 'Rouault-Fujimura.'
My Top 5 Books on Community
Picks from Richard Lamb, author of The Pursuit of God in the Company of Friends.
Preach. The. Word.
Still, says Charles Swindoll, the best sermons are wrapped in stories.
Transforming the Brain
In 'Wired for Intimacy,' William Struthers says there's a chemical reason why pornography is addicting.
Books to Note
Short reviews of recent books worth considering.
Holy Subversion
Allegiance to Christ in an age of rivals.
The Resurrection Changes Everything
'Raised With Christ' highlights the neglected central event of our faith.
The Evolution of Sin
Old Testament professor Gary Anderson explains how sin came to be seen as a debt rather than a weight—and how that shaped Christianity.
A Chronicle of Hopeful Dying
Death is not the enemy, says cancer-stricken Walt Wangerin, but a chance for Jesus to shine.
Brian McLaren's 'A New Kind of Christianity'
Brian McLaren's 'new' Christianity is not so much revolutionary as evolutionary.
Marilynne Robinson, Narrative Calvinist
John Calvin has given the Pulitzer Prize-winning author a way of seeing that imbues her novels with the grandeur of God.
Wilson's Bookmarks
Between Relativism and Fundamentalism, Churchill, and The Strange Adventures of Mr. Andrew Hawthorn.
The Trouble with Twilight
Theology professor Beth Felker Jones suggests Christians should look for hidden messages in the vampire buzz.
There's Power in the Blood
On the heels of the Twilight Saga's success, Christian novelists are tapping the riches of vampire mythology.
The End of Suffering
Scott Cairns on finding purpose in pain.
Oppression in the Home
A book helping churches respond to an issue we'd rather not think about.
Talk, Research, Marry
What Elizabeth Gilbert discovered about marriage before she ate her words in 'Committed.'
My Top 5 Books on Sports
Picks from Andrew Parker, professor of sport and Christian outreach at the University of Gloucestershire
Books to Note
Short reviews of recent books worth considering.

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Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time.
After 60 years of division, leaders hope that coming together will strengthen the church's witness.

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