
Max Lucado Goes Overboard on Grace
It's one of those things you don't want to moderate despite the risks, he says.
Review: Who Is Jesus?
A brief look.
Review: Community Is Messy
A brief look.
Review: A Short History of Global Evangelism
A brief look.
Dare We Laugh at World of Warcraft?
Communicating Christ to consumers of popular culture means sorting the good influences from the bad. A review of Ted Turnau's 'Popolgetics.'
The God Who Is (and Isn't) There
Joseph Loconte contemplates the mystery of our Lord's hidden presence.
Wilson's Bookmarks
Brief reviews of 'Four Views on Christian Spirituality,' 'Masters of Command,' and 'Roadside Panic.'
How Rick Warren Harnessed the Power of Social Habits
And why—after plunging into depression—Saddleback's pastor now pushes spiritual habits through 'The Power of Habit' concept.
Is Relational Evangelism Enough?
In pursuing a personalized form of apologetics, Alister McGrath may be downplaying the power of old-fashioned logical demonstrations.
How Narratives Can Prepare Hearts for the Gospel
Tell them a story.
Making Movies Moral
William Romanowski's 'Reforming Hollywood' sets the record straight on Protestant efforts to shape Hollywood's cultural influence.
A Better Conversation about Homosexuality
Three recent books expose the cultural captivity of the church to Western ideas about sexuality.
Rich Mouw on Why Evangelicals Need to Be Quick to Listen to Mormons
The president of Fuller Theological Seminary on 'Talking with Mormons.'
Views of the WEIRD (Western Educated Industrial Rich and Democratic)
Jonathan Haidt argues that modern liberals lack the full range of moral instincts possessed by conservatives and traditional religious believers.
Childlike Faith: Are Kids Born with Belief?
What developmental science tells us about children's religious beliefs.
The Sacraments of Place
To break the cycle of ideology in the church, try "going local."
Go and Do
A brief look.
Where Sin Abounds
A brief look.
A brief look.

Top Story July 22, 2024

Canadian Christian Colleges Hit Hard by New Immigration Restrictions
Canadian Christian Colleges Hit Hard by New Immigration Restrictions
International undergraduates were part of many schools’ plans for sustainability. A new government rule changes that.

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