Table Of Contents
August 15 1994, 1994
Volume 38, Number 9
August 15
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The CT archives are a rich treasure of biblical wisdom and insight from our past. Some things we would say differently today, and some stances we've changed. But overall, we're amazed at how relevant so much of this content is. We trust that you'll find it a helpful resource.
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Cover Story

Mixing Politics and Piety
Christian talk radio's high-wireless act is soaring. But without strong accountability structures, it could lose its balance.
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More from this Issue

Stop Bashing the Christian Right
ABC's Peggy Wehmeyer: On the Faith Beat
Peggy Wehmeyer Pioneers Religion on ABC's World News Tonigh
Pro-lifers' New Legal Nightmare
The shooting of two abortionists provided the political cover for an insidious attempt to silence all but the bravest pro-lifers.
Behind South Africa's Miracle
Freedom could not have been won without the faithful efforts of the church.
America the Brutal
How did we get to such a state of madness?
Why Jesus' Disciples Wouldn't Wash Their Hands
While the religious experts focused on clarifying boundaries, Jesus focused on what lies at the center.
Dr. Death's Dreadful Sermon
From Roe to Final Exit, there really is a slippery slope
Why Christ Was Expelled
Abortion and the Failure of Democracy
Refocusing the Family
Homosexual Healing
Review of Coming Out Of Homosexuality
Soccer Outreach Has Higher Goal
Christians mobilize to reach a multitude of World Cup fans.
Judge Finds Evangelist Degrauded Heiress
Sexuality Draft Draws Criticism
Prominent Iranian Church Leaders Slain
Global Praise Event Draws 12 Million Believers
Christians Blamed for Temple Arson
Hindu leaders are laying the blame for the arson of a Hindu temple in Fiji on Christian churches.
A Russian Call to Repentance
Alesksandr Solzhenitsyn returns from exile to point a way out of the Soviet quagmire.
German Reunification: One-Way Street?
Germans find reconciliation is harder than reunification.
The Upside of Pessimism