
A mix of personal reflections and cultural commentary about family in A mix of personal reflections and cultural commentary about family in America

Why I Love SummerA taste of our very summery summer, in photos.

Earlier this summer, I wrote a post about summer camp. What I didn't mention is that camp came on the heels of Penny being denied Extended School Year services by our local town. She was denied because we only live here in the summer. I scrambled to find a camp that would take her, and after a few places ...

Abortion and the ElectionObama or Romney could employ a practical approach to abortion reduction as a way to attract swing voters, so why is it a taboo topic?

I have a new post at, "Why Aren't Obama and Romney Talking About Abortion?"

It begins:

My kids love to hear stories about when they were born. They know the quirky details—that Penny was easy to push out, that I threw up on the way to thehospital with William, that they celebrated Marilee's ...
Who Are You Voting For?Who are you voting for in November of 2012?

Sometime later this week my third post with about the election will run. My job is to represent the middle way, the moderates, the people who might just vote for a Republican or a Democrat. People like me. And so perhaps it comes as no surprise that I find the arguments espoused by both ...

Explaining Accidental DeathMy thoughts and prayers surrounding every parent's greatest fear...

It seems somewhat out-of-keeping with the tone of the summer, with barbecues and laughter and fireflies and staying up later than usual and sandy feet and hydrangeas, but all summer long, in the midst of the delightful moments, I have also been thinking about how easily those moments can turn to grief. I ...

What to do when you're feeling overwhelmed...What I learned when my husband had to be away for six days...

In mid-July I was alone with my kids for six nights and I happened to come down with a nasty cold. We had just moved from New Jersey to Connecticut, so the house was still in boxes, and my list of things I was supposed to have done before Peter went away seemed longer than ever. To top it off, our kids ...

What Summer Camp has to do with TaxesThis simple experience of play and learning and exploring and resting seems to me like a quintessential American summertime, and yet I was reminded recently that my children’s summer is a mark of privilege.

I have a new post up for the "Moms Decide" section of, "What Summer Camp Has to Do with Obama's Tax Plan." It begins:

My memories of summer include bug bites, games of kick-the-can, swimming lessons, and countless hours curled up in a chair reading. My kids have finally reached the age where ...

Seven Things I Learned from MovingSome thoughts on unpacking, loving our stuff, hating our stuff, and being grateful for our children in spite of our children...

If this blog has seemed a bit disjointed for the past few weeks, or if you have tried to email me and feel as though the response might never come, well, we've been moving. The process started months ago, when I started to spend my afternoon hours with William "organizing." We made bins for different ...

Why Obamacare Matters to Me

I mentioned a few weeks ago (What Matters to you During this Election?) that I would be blogging about issues related to the upcoming election for My first post is up, and it is a response to the Supreme Court's recent decision to uphold most of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. I ...

Why I Let My Kids Play with PoisonI don’t want to subject my kids to needless danger but I do want to teach them and myself, that I can’t control every aspect of their lives.

We went to a graduation party a few weeks back. It was a lovely afternoon, with family and friends gathered to celebrate the graduate at her home. We brought all three kids with us, and we faced a decision. There was an open space with food and drink and tables, and then an enclosed backyard. After ...

Giving My Kids a Safe Place to FallMy goal is not to dictate what they believe or to think that if we do it right they will conform to our desires. I just want to lay out a net for them, in hopes that later in life, when they discover suffering or betrayal or heartache, they will have a safe place to fall.

I used to sing lullabies, and every night Marilee still hears "Close Your Eyes" or "Sleep My Child" when she goes to bed. Penny and William have graduated, of their own doing, and now they want me to sing "church songs." It started at Christmas, when we went through three months of singing "Hark the ...

What Matters to you during this Election?Especially if you are a parent, what issues matter most to you as the election approaches?

I'm excited to report that has asked me to offer the perspective of a political moderate through a series of personal reflections on the upcoming Presidential election. Along with Sharon Lerner (the "liberal" voice) and Suzanne Venker (the "conservative"), I will comment upon issues ranging ...

Penny Finishes daughter has been included and accepted for who she is. She has grown in immeasurable ways because she has been loved and been able to love in return.

There she was, my little girl, standing in the front row, wearing a dress from my childhood and her patent leather pink party shoes, singing every word of the kindergarten concert. Wait–I should say–belting out every word of the kindergarten concert, performing every motion, playing her sticks in time ...

Open Adoption, or My Daughter has Two Mothers by Jenni Levy

My daughter has two mothers.

My daughter also has two fathers, although only one is in her life.

I didn't know this at first. When Emma was placed with us at birth, I believed what I'd been told: that adoptive parents are the "real" parents. That love is enough. That as long as we didn't keep secrets, ...

Adoption was the Choice I Made by Anonymous

The other day my son was looking through a box in the closet that had old photos in it. He would grab each photo and ask me if that was him or his sister. At the bottom of the box he found a framed photo of me holding a newborn baby in my arms. He asked the same question. I didn't answer and since he ...

Abraham, Isaac, and Me: an Adoption Story by Jay

On the second day of Rosh Hashanah, we read the akeydah - the story of the binding of Isaac. This year I am chanting the first three verses:

After these things, G-d tested Abraham, saying to him "Abraham!" And he said "Here I am." God said, "Take your son, your only one, the one you love, Isaac, and ...

Love, Loss and Reflecting What is True: Margot Starbuck reflects

We walked, side by side. Slowly. A close friend was going through a divorce when he sighed and said, "I think God meant for children to be with their biological parents."

Heartbroken at being separated from his daughters, he'd become keenly aware of the inherent—seemingly unavoidable—wrongness of the ...

Adoption, Loss, and Life

A few weeks ago I wrote a post called Why Adoption Feels Harder than Abortion. My intention with the post was to help people like me–people who have not ever experienced an unplanned pregnancy, people who have never faced the fear and stress and sadness of a choice between keeping a child you can't ...

Some Thoughts on Marriage

I have the privilege right now of doing premarital counseling for a young couple who plan to wed in October. I've never done this type of counseling before, but it has been a wonderful way to reflect upon our own marriage and try to offer some words of practical advice and wisdom to them as they set ...

What do a pig roast, a dance recital, premarital counseling and my father-in-law have in common?

On Friday night, Peter was on duty in our dorm of thirty boys. As we sat down to dinner with a dear old friend who had flown in from Denver earlier in the day, there was a knock on the door. The knocks continued throughout our meal, with Peter popping up to answer a question or adjudicate an absence. ...

A Letter to the Tooth Fairy

Penny lost her third tooth today. They are falling out just as expected–first the bottom two, and now one up top with the one beside it wiggling as well. It came home from school with her in a small lavender box.

At first, she was feeling brave. "The tooth fairy can come into my room." ...

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