Lessons from the Parenting Sweet SpotWhat three kids in between diapers and puberty has taught me about holding on and letting go.
Lessons from the Parenting Sweet Spot
Niko Kähkönen

I’ve been waiting for nine years for this parenting moment to arrive. With children aged eight, six, and three (and no plans for an infant), I have hit a sweet spot. The past summer held the experiences I expected as a mom in the summertime—tennis lessons, skinned ...

God Hasn’t Given Up on ReconciliationSome final thoughts, and a prayer, on how to respond when racial reconciliation seems hopeless.
God Hasn’t Given Up on Reconciliation
Renato Giordanelli/flickr

Earlier this summer, I decided to dedicate some time and space on this blog to the concept of racial reconciliation within the church.

It began as a modest project. I invited a handful of pastors and church leaders from different ethnic backgrounds to reflect upon their ...

Healing Begins HereA summary of my blog series on racial reconciliation and the church.
Healing Begins Here
Defense Images/Flickr

For the past month, this blog has hosted a series of guest posts offering thoughts on race and reconciliation within the church in America. I will offer my own thoughts about this series in a concluding post later this week, but I also wanted to offer an overview and summary ...

Christ is the Answer to Our Race ProblemThree practical, public, and personal ways for the church to lead. The final guest post in our series on racial reconciliation, by Kyle Canty.
Christ is the Answer to Our Race Problem
Jonatas Cunha/Flickr

For the past month, this blog space has been dedicated to exploring the topic of racial reconciliation among Christians. I will offer a summary of all these posts on Monday as well as my concluding thoughts on Tuesday. Today I offer these empowering words about action we ...

Why I Don’t Want My Child to be “Colorblind”Four ways to see the beauty of the colorful world of people all around us. A guest post by Natasha Sistrunk Robinson.
Why I Don’t Want My Child to be “Colorblind”

“I don’t see color.”

I cringe inside every time I hear these words. In most instances, people utter them in an attempt to let me and all who are listening know that they are not racist or that they value people regardless of their race. But the statement ...

On the Ground in FergusonBeauty, lament, and sitting together at the foot of the cross.
On the Ground in Ferguson
Elvert Barnes/Flickr

Leroy Barber, Global Executive Director of Word Made Flesh, has been a leader within the evangelical community for over three decades. This past week Leroy joined other leaders in Ferguson in the wake of Michael Brown's death. We asked Leroy what’s been on his mind ...

Want to Be Multiethnic? Get Ready For DiscomfortLiving out the gospel ideal of reconciled community proved far more difficult, and wonderful, than we ever expected.
Want to Be Multiethnic? Get Ready For Discomfort

Despite the rapid diversification of American society, the typical American congregation remains culturally homogenous. Still, there is an exciting, fresh movement toward reconciliation and healing within the church all over the country. About seven years ago, a group of ...

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