Another Reason to Love Your Neighbor

In case we needed another reason to love our neighbors as ourselves, it turns out that it might just come in handy. As this NPR story reports, "A researcher's data suggest that ambulances, firetrucks and government aid aren't the principal ways most people survive during and ...

Publisher's Weekly Reviewed A Good and Perfect Gift and...

...they liked it!

I've been grateful already for the responses from various people who have endorsed my book, the first official review of A Good and Perfect Gift comes out next week in Publisher's Weekly. Among other things, they write:

Becker (Penelope Ayers: A Memoir), a Princeton ...
Penny Says the Pledge of Allegiance

Happy Fourth of July!

What I Learned on our Family Vacation

I learned that we can travel for thirteen hours in our Swagger Wagon without hurting one another, especially during a three hour nap:

I learned that, much as Peter and I love Chipotle, our kids prefer different fare (although they did greatly enjoy the techno music in the background): ...

Did You Miss Me?

Okay, that's about the most narcissistic title for a blog post I can imagine–sorry! But some of you might have noticed that I haven't responded to any comments in the past week, and I didn't post anything on Tuesday or Wednesday. Because we took a family vacation (check back ...

Gendercide: Over One Hundred Million Missing Baby Girls

I have a new post for her.meneutics called "The Lost Girls of India and China" that reports on the ongoing problem of "gendercide," or abortion based upon the sex of the fetus. The post begins:

Across most cultures and throughout time, parents have wanted boys more than they ...
Talking with Rachel Simon

A few weeks ago, I reviewed Rachel Simon's new novel, The Story of Beautiful Girl. As I wrote earlier, the book is a lovely story that travels a road of despair and delight, weaving together themes related to disability and faith. I loved it.

But it gets better. Rachel Simon ...

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