Follow Up to this Morning's Post About Rob Bell: Questions for God

From Mark Galli's new book, God Wins, on the nature of asking questions of God (He begins with the contrast between Mary and Zechariah in Luke):

Mary's question is about God. Zechariah's question is about himself.Mary's question assumes God will do something good and great, and ...
More Thoughts on Rob Bell

The controversy over Rob Bell's new book, Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person who Ever Lived is fading, but a new article in the Christian Century ("Betting on a Generous God" by Peter W. Marty) brought it up for me again. I've written before about ...

What Rachel Simon Told Me About Being a Sibling of Someone with a Disability

A few weeks ago, I reviewed Rachel Simon's new novel, The Story of Beautiful Girl. She and I then corresponded via Twitter, and on Wednesday night we had a lovely conversation in which I had the chance to ask her some of the questions that you all suggested. In particular, I ...

Neuroscientists Are Just Modern-Day Calvinists...Discuss
When it comes to nature and nurture, the important point is that we choose neither one. We are each constructed from a genetic blueprint, and then born into a world of circumstances that we cannot control in our most-formative years. The complex interactions of genes and environment ...
Teaching Our Children to Sleep, Again

Penny and William are now sharing a room. We thought we had concocted a plan that would allow for a smooth transition. We let William have a "sleepover" with Penny for a few weekend nights over the course of a month. Everything went well–they lay in their beds and fell asleep ...

What I'm Reading: Recent Articles about Disability

A moving story from the LA Times of a South Korean pastor who cares for dozens of abandoned babies with disabilities: "South Korean Pastor Tends Unwanted Flock."

"New Study Implicates Environmental Factors in Autism," from the New York Times. A new study of twins released online ...

Why We Don't Invite Our Friends to Church

For a long time, I thought church should be a place where I could invite my friends who don't believe in Jesus. Actually, I should be more specific. I thought Sunday morning church services should be places where I could invite my friends who don't believe in Jesus. I don't ...

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