David Brooks: The Debt Ceiling Debate Is Really a Denial of DeathI don't want bureaucrats in Washington deciding what kind of treatments people can get but I do want people to know the freedom, hope, and peace available to Christians in the face of death.

David Brooks has yet another insightful piece in the New York Times. He argues that to the extent that ever-rising health care costs are a major reason for the U.S. federal deficit, the stalled debate in Washington about the debt ceiling is actually the result of cultural assumptions ...

How Do We Pray?

To conclude some of the thoughts I've shared about prayer this week, I want to offer the suggestion of using prayer cards. For a fuller explanation, go to Paul Miller's A Praying Life, but the basic idea is to think of people or recurring ideas in your life that you'd like to ...

He Needs a Fence, and He Listens to Jesus: Who is this Kid?

Our children are always surprising me. There's William making "art" in the front yard out of a plastic lawnmower, red cones, and a host of tennis balls. Or Penny's determination in the swimming pool. Marilee's recent willingness to inhale large amounts of prunes.

So the other ...

Pray Like a Child...

Prayer is exciting. Prayer is tough (at least for me). But as I mentioned in yesterday's post, honesty with God matter more than getting it right when we pray. We can bring our doubts, fears, shame, guilt, anger, sorrow, joy–we can bring our real selves–to God in prayer.

Penny ...

I'm Tired of Pop Culture Mocking Down Syndrome...

Sometimes I forget that most of the world isn't attuned to issues related to Down syndrome and intellectual disability. I also get tired when I read one more headline about people in positions of power mocking people who have historically been scorned and abused. So when I read ...

Why Is Prayer So Hard?

I wrote yesterday about the excitement of prayer. And much as I believe that prayer is everything I said–an ongoing opportunity to know God, a chance to see God's work in the world, and a source of gratitude–I still have a hard time praying. Why?

First, there's the distraction ...

Let's Talk About Sexual Identity...

I recently read and reviewed Jenell Paris' book, The End of Sexual Identity: Why Sex is Too Important to Define Who We Are for her.meneutics, the Christianity Today women's blog. I've quoted from and linked to the review below, and I hope you'll take the time to read it and ...

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