Why We All Need Our Dads

Peter left yesterday morning for some meetings in New York City. He returns this afternoon. I didn't think too much of it ahead of time. My mom was around yesterday morning. We had plenty of activities–camp, swimming lessons, dinner with friends. And it was only a day and a ...

Books that Bridge the Religion Gulf

One of my hopes as a writer is that I would be in conversation with people who don't see the world the way I do. I'd like to offer my perspective as a Christian in a way that encourages dialogue and invites relationship with people of other faiths, people who don't know what ...

Where are your Cities of Refuge?

The only time I go running with my husband Peter is when he is pushing at least two children in a jogging stroller. I remember one time, many years ago, when we were running side by side and I told him I needed to rest. "You can do it," he said. "I know you can." I could hear ...

Abortion and Eugenics

One of these days, I'll write more on this topic, but for now, I'd like to offer the words of Andi Sligh, of the blog Bringing the Sunshine:

Last week, the government released statistics in the United Kingdom on the number of abortions performed during 2010.  Of the 2,290 abortions ...
Rachel Simon Talks about Siblings with Disabilities

When I interviewed Rachel Simon, author of The Story of Beautiful Girl a few weeks back, I asked her some of your questions. I've finally transcribed the interview and wanted to share with you her thoughts.

What are some ways growing up with a sister with an intellectual disability ...

Divorce, Addiction, and Prostitution--Some Articles Worth Reading

There are real reasons for people to get divorced, but the destruction of a marriage should never be celebrated. In "The Divorce Delusion," an article from the New York Times a few weeks back, the writer reflects on popular culture's recent embrace of divorce and comments upon ...

Every Story Needs a Plot... Thoughts on A Good and Perfect Gift

Over the weekend, a friend asked, "What was the hardest part of writing A Good and Perfect Gift?"

When I sat down to write, I had over 200 typed pages of journal entries from the time immediately following Penny's birth. I recorded the raw emotions, the theological questions, ...

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