Photo Shoot with TIME, or What Does Down syndrome Look Like?

Reed and Aaron showed up at 11:00 last Sunday, just as we were getting home from church. They left around 5:00. Six hours of zooming in on our family life–eating Sunday brunch, reading on the couch, heading outside for a walk. We had no idea if a photo of our family would be ...

One Last Surgery Update

So the doctor told us to expect a 5-7 day recovery. But Penny woke up on Saturday morning (after 17 hours of sleep, including the time under anesthesia) with her eyes wide open. "Does anything hurt?" She shook her head.

Two hours later, I listened to her narrate what happened. ...

Penny at the Hospital, or What I Love About Our Daughter

I woke up this morning because Penny came barreling into our room. "I want to cuddle with you, Mom," she said, glasses perched on her nose, wearing her footed pajamas, a barrette already in her hair to pull back the bangs she's growing out.

I tried to convince her to let me go ...

Upcoming Events... Speaking, Radio, Magazine, Conferences, and Penny's Surgery

If you live in New York City, Princeton, Raleigh, Durham, or Basking Ridge, NJ, I'm coming soon to a venue near you. Visit my Events Page for more details. (Though note that right now there isn't up to date info on NYC, and Raleigh's has changed from March 28-30. The woes of ...

Love, a Day Late

We don't celebrate Valentine's Day in our house. We feel rather curmudgeonly about the amount of money spent on the holiday (billions and billions of dollars) and the amount of paper wasted on all those little cards sent to school for Penny's and William's classes. And we try ...

People with Disabilities at the Center . . .

There are weeks when I can't help but write blogposts, and then there are weeks when my brain is too frazzled to put two sentences together. This week is one of the latter. William has had a fever. We have a new babysitter. Peter stayed home sick yesterday too. We're gearing ...

Down syndrome, dancing, and delight

Some of you remember that Penny took ballet when she was 4. You might have read about her recital (Ballet Recitals, Carelessness, and Grace Part One and Part Two). It's a long story, but she's just really started dancing again, and I wrote about this renewed joy for the "My ...

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