Listen to Eugene Peterson With Me...

I'm supposed to be in New York City today, attending the Q sessions with Eugene Peterson, author of a number of thoughtful and spiritually transformative books, including The Message and my favorite among many, Leap Over a Wall: Earthy Spirituality for Everyday Christians. Unfortunately, ...

What Jeremy Lin has to do with Down syndrome (and a few other things to think about)

Jeremy Lin has overturned assumptions about the ability of Asian Americans to play basketball. So has David Andrews, a teenager with Down syndrome who contributed (with a 40% 3-point throw percentage) to his team's district championship this year. To see him in action, click ...

Listening to Grace and Truth: Reflections on Jo Saxton’s More Than Enchanting

As a part of the Patheos Book Club, I was asked to reflect upon Jo Saxton's new book, More Than Enchanting. This book, about women recognizing their calling and ability to lead and influence others within the church, caused me to think about my own role as a female leader. Here's ...

What I've Learned Through Penny (in Six Minutes)

I had a lovely conversation with Susie Larson for Moody Radio last Friday. Somehow in six minutes she got me to talk about being a perfectionist in college, the freedom Penny has offered to me as a mother, where is God in the midst of suffering, and what it means to receive ...

Seeing Down Syndrome or Seeing Penny?

When Bonnie Rochman was writing her article for TIME, she asked me (per her editor's request) to describe "what Penny can and can't do." Here's what I wrote in response:

I've been thinking all morning about how to answer your question. It's harder than you might expect because ...

Lenten Reflections: What Does Drinking Wine Have to do with Needing God?

When 5:00 rolls around, I want a glass of wine. Especially if it's winter and I'm home alone with our children and it's dark outside. I started to notice this desire a few months ago. I had this niggling warning in the back of my brain about it, but I pushed it away every night. ...

Talking to Time Magazine about Prenatal Testing and Down Syndrome

I read a lot about prenatal testing, especially now that a company called Sequenom has developed a test that purportedly can definitively (well, with 99% accuracy) detect Down syndrome via a maternal blood sample as early as 10 weeks. Usually in the "mainstream" media, I read ...

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