Are Children With Down Syndrome "Special"?

I tend to balk at generalized statements about kids and adults with Down syndrome. There's a part of me that resists on theoretical grounds–I don't want to stereotype or treat people with Trisomy 21 as if they are in a separate category of human being. But there is also a part ...

Creating Space in the Church for People with Disabilities

I had a wonderful time in North Carolina last week, and I hope I'll take the time to write a series of posts based on the questions and conversations I had with people from the Duke Center for Reconciliation, Reality Ministries, the Trinity School, and at the Church of the Apostles. ...

The Wheat and the Weeds

Peter can always tell when I'm excited about something because I try, unsuccessfully, to hide my smile. Perhaps I'm afraid my excitement will come off as self-important or maybe I'm afraid he won't think it matters much. It happened again yesterday. I told him about another ...

Faith, Grief, and Growing Up

Fellow Redbud writer Kelli Trujillo interviewed me for her blog this week, and in one question she asked:

When you first stepped into the journey of having a newborn daughter with Down Syndrome, you write about how you were faced with the reality that your daughter may not ever ...
Can't Resist: Articles Worth Reading

Louise Kinross' take on "after-birth abortion: "I Say Gobbledygook!"

The Brain on Love, a fascinating account from the NY Times Opinionater blog about how love physically changes us. My favorite paragraph:

When two people become a couple, the brain extends its idea of self to ...
What Does It Mean to Listen to God?

Peter has a two week spring break. It involves some grading and commenting and preparing for the upcoming term, but it also involves a chance to rest. We took advantage of the graciousness of many family members and a babysitter and got away, just the two of us, for five nights, ...

A Good and Perfect Gift Wins a Christopher Award!

We were in the San Juan airport on our way to four days of vacation (just Peter and me!) when I received an email that read, "A Good and Perfect Gift wins Christopher Award!" At first I didn't believe it. But I kept reading, and I realized it was real. It was a wonderful way ...

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