Losing My Voice and the Festival of Faith and Writing

I lost my voice on Sunday. It happens often. Every few months, usually prompted by some combination of a cold (or, as in this case, allergies) and a speaking engagement. I've only had to cancel once, but I've coughed my way through some other sessions. But I've never had a situation ...

Some Thoughts on Infant Dedications, Happy Chaos, and Great Joy

Our church doesn't do infant baptisms (well, kind of, but that's another story). We do infant dedications, and last Sunday was Marilee's turn. We made a valiant effort to have all three kids sit through the service for thirty minutes until the dedication itself. Marilee was ...

Bloom Where You Are Planted: Why We Chose Public School by Sarah Reimers

Many years ago, a mentor told me, "Be careful what you teach on, because the Lord will probably make you live it as well as teach it." This has proven true for me over the past decade as my husband and I have begun our family here in Venice, California.

For 5 of the 10 years ...

Why I Homeschool by Marlene Molewyk

Many years ago, my husband John asked me to consider homeschooling our children. I immediately responded, "Are you nuts?" John pointed out that I was judging something I knew little about, and he asked me to research homeschooling, so I could make an informed decision. I reluctantly ...

Duty and Desire: The Best Hope for Our Children's Education by Steven Garber

There are very few absolutes in this life. What kind of school our children attend is not one of them.

Home schools, private schools of kinds, public schools, each in their different ways are places where good parents hope for a good education, knowing that at the end of the ...

The Safety of a Christian School by Elisabeth Klein Corcoran

Christian school was never in the plan or the budget for my kids. I liked their school just fine and we were set on them finishing out their schooling at our local public school.

Until one day when my sweet son, then at the beginning of his seventh grade year, asked me if he ...

An Unexpected Choice: Why We Traded the Public School for Homeschooling by Helen Lee

When I was 6 and my dad had been hired by the U.S. government to work as an economist, one of the first things he and my mom did after we moved was to call the few fellow Korean immigrants they knew in the D.C. area.

"Where are the good schools?" they interrogated. When they ...

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