Can Kids with Disabilities Make Friends?

One of my earliest fears for Penny, and consequently one of my earliest prayers, had to do with her ability to make friends. My fear has softened over the years. There are the buds of friendship she's growing in kindergarten. There is the ongoing friendship with William. And ...

Hurry or Help?

Penny and William and I were reading Thomas the Train a while back, and Thomas faced a conundrum. He desperately wanted to get back to the station so he could be the train to take a group of children home from a school trip. But as he chugged along he noticed a bus that had ...

The Difference Between Brokenness and Limitations

Brokenness and limitations are not the same thing.

Brokenness, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, is not good. It comes as a result of sin in our world. As Jesus demonstrated throughout his ministry, God wants to heal broken bodies, broken minds, broken souls, and broken ...

Perfectly Human: A Little Extra (and Mother's day is coming up...)

Mother's Day is coming up. And a friend recently suggested I offer a shameless plug for A Good and Perfect Gift as a perfect (pun somewhat intended) Mother's Day gift. I do hope you'll consider buying it for your mother, or for your friends who are mothers, or for your friends ...

A Letter to the Church on Friendship

Intervarsity Press recently published Letters to a Future Church, written by an array of men and women, addressed to the North American Church. IVP is sponsoring a contest in which you can participate. I was asked to contribute a letter through the Patheos Book Club.

Dear members ...

A Blessed Life

Last week, I had the privilege of sharing some thoughts on the Beatitudes, Matthew 5:3-11, during chapel at Western Theological Seminary. Here is an edited version of what I said:

If we were to come up with a parallel list of "Beatitudes" within American culture today, they'd ...

His Life Was Marked by Love, a Father's Eulogy for his Son

I've had the honor of trading a few emails with Aaron Cobb recently. He shared with me the eulogy he wrote for his son Samuel, who was born with Trisomy 18. It is a testimony to the goodness and beauty of life and love:

Friends and family: Thank you for sharing this day with ...

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