Abortion and the ElectionObama or Romney could employ a practical approach to abortion reduction as a way to attract swing voters, so why is it a taboo topic?

I have a new post at parents.com, "Why Aren't Obama and Romney Talking About Abortion?"

It begins:

My kids love to hear stories about when they were born. They know the quirky details—that Penny was easy to push out, that I threw up on the way to thehospital with William, that ...
Who Are You Voting For?Who are you voting for in November of 2012?

Sometime later this week my third post with parents.com about the election will run. My job is to represent the middle way, the moderates, the people who might just vote for a Republican or a Democrat. People like me. And so perhaps it comes as no surprise that I find the arguments ...

Should abortion be an automatic option with a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome?A condensed version of the debate within the Down syndrome community about whether or not those of us with children with Down syndrome should allow abortion into the conversation surrounding prenatal diagnosis...

I was headed to a wedding out of town last week, so I asked my online friend Stephanie Meredith to offer a guest post about resources for women with a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome. Stephanie is the author of the booklet created by Lettercase.org, which was prepared with ...

Explaining Accidental DeathMy thoughts and prayers surrounding every parent's greatest fear...

It seems somewhat out-of-keeping with the tone of the summer, with barbecues and laughter and fireflies and staying up later than usual and sandy feet and hydrangeas, but all summer long, in the midst of the delightful moments, I have also been thinking about how easily those ...

What to do when you're feeling overwhelmed...What I learned when my husband had to be away for six days...

In mid-July I was alone with my kids for six nights and I happened to come down with a nasty cold. We had just moved from New Jersey to Connecticut, so the house was still in boxes, and my list of things I was supposed to have done before Peter went away seemed longer than ever. ...

Resources for Women with a Prenatal Diagnosis of Down syndrome

As many of you know, I've been working on an ebook about prenatal testing for a few months now. It's in the final stages, and one of the things I want to include in the book is resources for women and their families when faced with a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome. I asked ...

How Much Does God Love You?Last fall, my I wrote about my fears about moving. Yesterday, I learned how those fears had been answered.

I play a game with my kids. When they are pouting or withdrawing from me or disappointed with me or think I'm disappointed with them, I hold up my thumb and index finger and say, "Do I love you this much?"

They know the answer by now, but the first time, they looked at me, a ...

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