What I Learned From Getting Lost in the WoodsA long detour through the woods in our new home has helped me to reconsider my expectations as we head into the school year...

We moved to our new, temporary, home two weeks ago. We will move again next week into a more permanent temporary spot. The final move is slated for February.

That much I knew ahead of time.

What I didn't know was that we were moving to a place without a phone line and where cell ...

Are Kids Sinful?...as the mother of three children, I’ve started to wonder if children are really the best example of the doctrine of original sin...

Before going to seminary and then having children, I worked in youth ministry with teenagers for five years. As such, I sat through countless systematic presentations of the gospel in which someone was assigned "the sin talk." These talks varied from camp to camp and speaker ...

Girl With Down Syndrome in Danger

We moved yesterday, so I don't have much time to write, but I wanted to urge you all to pray.  A young girl who is reported to have Down syndrome has been arrested in Pakistan for allegedly burning pages of the Koran. Here is the email I received from the National Down Syndrome ...

What Does it Mean to Pray in Jesus' Name?What Penny taught me about praying "in Jesus name."

"What in Jesus name mean, Mom?" Penny asked after I had prayed for her the other night.

I more or less say, "In Jesus Name, Amen" to conclude every prayer. And I had a vague memory of asking myself what exactly those words mean a long time ago. But when Penny asked me, I was ...

Why I Love SummerA taste of our very summery summer, in photos.

Earlier this summer, I wrote a post about summer camp. What I didn't mention is that camp came on the heels of Penny being denied Extended School Year services by our local town. She was denied because we only live here in the summer. I scrambled to find a camp that would take ...

So You Want to Write a Book? My Best AdviceI started a blog. At first, it seemed like eating my spinach, something I had to do in order to achieve the long-term goal of writing books. I worried...

I don't usually write about writing, but I am a member of the Redbud Writer's Guild, and I submitted a post for their blog, which is all about writing. Here's the beginning, with a link to the Redbud blog, where you'll find countless other posts about writing if you're so inclined... ...

Imagining Your Child's LifeWhat would it take for you to imagine life with a child with a disability?

For every pregnant woman, a baby remains a hypothetical being for a long time. Even once that baby is born, parents don't know whether she will love music, whether that straight hair will all fall out or turn curly or change color, whether he will fight with his siblings, whether ...

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