Imagining Down SyndromeThe prospect of disability often cuts off the possibilities of imagining a good life, not necessarily because a good life is impossible, but because a good life with a disability is unknown. Two stories that help us imagine a good life with Down syndrome...

One of my projects as a writer, in broad terms, is to argue on behalf of children with Down syndrome and other disabilities. Another project is to help people imagine what life with a child with Down syndrome might be like. I assume that when I tell stories about Penny and our ...

Why Women Need Pre Prenatal Counseling"every woman or couple, no matter their risk level, will face decisions about prenatal testing throughout the course of a pregnancy. "

The following is an excerpt from my new ebook, What Every Woman Needs to Know About Prenatal Testing: Insights from a Mom Who Has Been There:

This book comes out of the past six years of learning about Down syndrome and other disabilities, loving our children in the midst of ...

A Good and Perfect Gift Available for FREE Today Only!For one day only, A Good and Perfect Gift is free for Kindle, Nook, or any other e-reader. Please help spread the word!

I am terrible at hawking my wares, but this really is a good offer. For one day only, today, January 24th, A Good and Perfect Gift (a spiritual memoir about coming to recognize our daughter Penny for who she is, a gift) is available for free as an ebook (if you are ordering ...

What do Down Syndrome, Abortion, and Baby Girls Have to do with One Another?"Statistics also suggest that at least 50% of all fetuses with Down syndrome in the US are aborted. That rate becomes higher among women who have a prenatal diagnosis of DS (probably 70%) and higher still when talking about other Western nations (90%). So, while being born a girl in Asia is not exactly the same as being born with Down syndrome here, I wanted to suggest some parallels."

When I write posts for other sites, I generally avoid the comments sections. Some longtime readers might remember a post I wrote for Motherlode over two years ago in which I explained why I wasn't screening my pregnancy for Down syndrome. Nearly 200 comments later, I was worn ...

Why Should You Care About Prenatal Testing?What people are saying about my new ebook about prenatal testing, and why you should read it too.

As I mentioned yesterday, I've written a new ebook about prenatal testing (info on how and where to purchase it at the bottom of this post). For the next few weeks, this blog will center around a host of questions, stories, and opinions related to prenatal testing. I've written ...

Ebook and Free Book and a New Website to Boot

Three fun things to announce:

I am delighted to announce the publication of my long-awaited (at least by me, since my original deadline for this thing was last June!) ebook about prenatal testing. This book is designed not as a medical guide to options or as counsel for women ...

Respecting Atheism While Believing in JesusBuechner writes, "...the war I fought was to convince as many as I could that religious faith, even if they chose to have none of it, was not as bankrupt and banal and easily disposable as most of them believed."

I've been reading Frederick Beuchner's Now and Then: A Memoir of Vocation. It's a short book that details Buechner's transition from college to teaching to Union seminary to chaplaincy and then to full time writing. As someone who shares Beuchner's faith and who also lives on ...

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