Prenatal Testing and Abortion--Is it Possible to Be Biased but not Judgmental?

I released an ebook (What Every Woman Needs to Know About Prenatal Testing) two weeks ago about prenatal testing. It covers my own experience of prenatal testing as well as providing information for women who are trying to figure out their own approach to testing. It's ...

Doctors Need to Understand Their Patients When It Comes to Prenatal Testing by Nancy IannoneWhen a patient says she doesn't want to terminate her pregnancy, doctors need to stop offering termination. Nancy Iannone shares her story and advice for medical professionals.

As a part of a series on personal experiences of prenatal testing (see Why I Wish I Had Chosen Prenatal Testing and I Regretted My Amnio), in concert with my new ebook What Every Woman Needs to Know About Prenatal Testing, Nancy Iannone shares her experience today and advice ...

If You are Pro-Life, Should You Pursue Prenatal Testing?Every pregnant woman will be offered prenatal testing for some genetic conditions. What should you do?

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists now recommends that doctors offer all pregnant women prenatal testing, which can detect chromosomal conditions like Down syndrome before their babies are born. As a result, they all face a decision, or a series of decisions, ...

Worth Reading: on Prenatal Testing and the Meaning of Life and what they have to do with each other

Two articles worth reading. One, a Wired Magazine take on prenatal testing: This Simple Blood Test Reveals Birth Defects–And the Future of Pregnancy, and two, an Atlantic essay: There's More to Life than Being Happy. The Wired article describes a woman's decision ...

I Regretted My Amnio by Meriah NicholsOne mother's description of discovering who her daughter really is...

On Tuesday, I began a series of guest posts in which women reflect upon their prenatal testing experience. Patti Rice shared Why I Wish I Had Chosen Prenatal Testing, and today Meriah Nichols offers the opposite perspective:


The beginning of my pregnancy with Moxie feels jumbled, ...

On Identity, Being an Evangelical, and Writing

Kristina Robb Dover, blogger at Saints and Sinners over at beliefnet, recently asked if she could interview me. The interview begins:

Christianity Today has named you one of 50 women to know, for your work in (and I quote) "profoundly shaping the evangelical church and North ...

Why I Wish I Had Chosen Prenatal Testing by Patti RiceOne pro-life mother reflects on why she wishes she had known prenatally that her daughter had Down syndrome.

Patti Rice is my first guest in what will be a series of guest posts to hear from women who have had a wide range of experiences with prenatal testing. Check back in on Thursday for Meriah Nichols, who writes about why she regrets her amniocentesis, and next week to hear from ...

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