What Does Food Have to do with Prenatal Testing?The first review of my ebook (plus a giveaway), What Every Woman Needs to Know About Prenatal Testing

Rachel Marie Stone, author of the newly released Eat With Joy (Intervarsity Press), has reviewed my new ebook What Every Woman Needs to Know About Prenatal Testing. She writes:

What Every Woman Needs to Know About Prenatal Testing deserves to be read widely and carefully for ...
We're MovingWhat's happening on my blog for the month of March: guest posts, World Down syndrome Day, interviews, and a ministry of absence.

A long time ago, a youth leader of mine talked to me about the "ministry of absence." He was thinking about the way youth ministers tended to think they needed to be involved in every aspect of kids' lives. But he remembered being at camp and watching a married couple walk away ...

Better Prenatal Testing Means More Abortion by Mark LeachLower termination rates still mean more Down syndrome abortions. A guest post by Mark Leach in response to my article in The Atlantic last week.

Last week, Amy Julia had a column featured in The Atlantic discussing the advances made in prenatal testing for Down syndrome. Her editor titled it, "Better prenatal testing does not mean more abortion." The headline can be excused. It is a misunderstanding that ...

Blessed Imperfection: A Girl Learns to Jump and Her Mother, To Take Her First Steps by Kristina Robb Dover"Catholic theologian Hans Urs Von Balthasar has said “perfection consists in fullness of [life’s] journey;” and for this reason, none of us must ever think we have “arrived.” Each day with Sam reminds me I have a long way to go in becoming who God wants me to be." A guest post from Kristina Robb Dover

This guest post is one in a series I run every so often called Perfectly Human. These essays provide a picture of life with a disability in all its possibilities and limitations, gifts and struggles. 

We were standing on the steps outside the "wibrary," which is her favorite ...

Worth Reading: on Pain, Junk Food, Prison, TV, and Gender Equality

So during one of those restless nights last week in which I wish I had been praying (see last week's post, My Kids Keep Teaching Me How to Pray) but was actually reading stuff on my phone, I came across a number of articles you might like:

On love and grace and pain from poet ...

Asking the Wrong Questions About Down Syndrome?I wrote an article for the Atlantic about the history of prenatal testing and abortion and what that history means for us today.

I have a new post on the Health site of theatlantic.com. They named it Better Prenatal Testing Does Not Mean More Abortion, but my favorite part of the post is this paragraph:

In retrospect I wonder why I spent so much time convincing myself that the test results would be negative. ...
My Kids Keep Teaching Me How to Pray"I have so much in my head. I need to pray a lot."

Last week, I was putting Penny to bed, and she was all wiggly. She could probably tell I was getting impatient, because she said, pointing to her forehead, "I have so much in my head. I need to pray a lot."

I smiled at the time, but since then I've thought about her words more ...

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