A Complete Family: How I Ended Up with Two Children with Down SyndromeOne mother's story of having two children with Down syndrome in Monterrey, Mexico: "Sometimes things do not happen the way we want. Sometimes it happens better."

My name is Alicia Llanas, I'm 29, and I live in Monterrey, México with my husband and two kids, Elías (8) and Eva (5) both with Down syndrome.

I had a smooth pregnancy and it was a surprise finding out our newborn had Down syndrome. We were not angry at God, and we didn't ask ...

Life with Down Syndrome in ZambiaAn interview with a mother of a child with Down syndrome in Zambia in honor of World Down Syndrome Day.

In honor of World Down syndrome Day this Thursday, I am running a series of guest posts from around the world to describe what it is like to have Down syndrome in various places. Yesterday's post reflected on life in Poland. Today we hear from a mother in Zambia, who was interviewed ...

Living in Poland with Down Syndrome, the Story of an ArtistThe beauty of an artist with Down syndrome, a guest post by Joanna Puciata, in honor of World Down Syndrome Day.

In honor of World Down Syndrome Day, celebrated this Thursday, March 21st (3/21 because Down syndrome occurs as the result of the presence of 3 copies of chromosome 21), I will be running a series of guest posts and interviews with people from around the globe who have family ...

Two-Headed Baby Born in Brazil (Guest Post by Margot Starbuck)"Throughout the gospels, Jesus not only does not retreat from those his culture considered other, he beelines toward them!" Author Margot Starbuck challenges us to consider following Jesus by embracing the "other..."

"Though something in my gut told me not to click on the headline, curiosity trumped virtue. I have always been wildly curious about multiple births and other birthing anomalies, and the headline promising a two-headed baby could simply not be ignored. With a single click I was ...

Missing Out on Beautiful: A Reflection on Down Syndrome, Life, and LoveHow can I put into words the beauty I see when I look at my daughter?

In the seven years since my daughter was born, we've taken thousands of photographs. At various points along the way, we've even involved professionals. But it is rare that the professionals capture what I see when I look at her – the bright expression of delight and interest, ...

What Are You Teaching Your Children About Food? A Guest Post from Rachel Marie Stone"I felt I was receiving conflicting messages: the first being that my baby’s well-being was entirely dependent upon my eating and exercise; the second, that my body was mine, and that I should take measures to keep it that way, or at least, to conceal its pregnancy-inflicted flaws."

My husband and I sat across from one another at our small table, eating lunch. He ate his salmon-and-mayo on crisp sourdough bread while I picked at tiny piles of salmon atop a few unremarkable crackers.

Tim stopped, noticing that, once again, I wasn't really eating.

"Rachel, ...

Worth Reading: Boys and Dolls, Down Syndrome, and Who Is the Mom?

A few posts and articles from the past few weeks that are worth passing along:

God Made Boys to Play with Dolls by Caryn Dahlstrand Rivadeinera, Caryn offers a wonderful defense of boys playing with dolls and links it to the God who loves us as a father.

Another great piece by ...

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