Perfectly Human: Gifts from a Declining Mind by David HilfikerHow an Alzheimer's diagnosis has brought great and unexpected joy.

I have Alzheimer's disease. I'm sixty-eight, have had symptoms for a little over two years, and was diagnosed last September. These last eight months have been almost the happiest in my life.

Before my diagnosis, when I considered how I might die, Alzheimer's was the only one ...

Catching Up on Giveaways: Eat with Joy, Permission Granted, and What it is is Beautiful

Somewhere out there in the blogosphere, there's a list of rules about how to be a good blogger. I break many of them. My posts are often too long and don't have enough images in them (and never videos) and they aren't controversial enough or they're controversial about the wrong ...

What Are People In the Church Unwilling to Talk About?A new book gets women talking about "taboo" topics...

Last spring, I was asked to contribute an essay to a new anthology of Christian women writers called Talking Taboo: American Christian Women Get Frank About Faith. I am honored to join the ranks of a host of women from a wide array of church backgrounds to discuss topics that ...

Are Pro-Lifers Hypocrites When it Comes to Down Syndrome?Are pro-lifers hypocrites when it comes to babies with Down syndrome? The Atlantic implies that they are, but I'm not convinced...

It hits me like a sucker punch every time. This week the blow came on page 30 of the Atlantic, where a sidebar with numbers in large bold font told a story:

Percentage of American adults who describe themselves as pro-life: 50Percentage of American adults who think second-trimester ...
How Empathy Could Save Lives: The Ethan Saylor Tragedy, Penny, and a Better FutureWhat my daughter's friendships have to do with a young man with Down syndrome who was killed over the cost of a movie ticket.

I was walking home with my daughter Penny and her friend yesterday. We had invited the friend over for a last minute play date. I overheard the friend say to Penny, "You keep asking the same question." Penny has Down syndrome, and sometimes it is hard for her to think of a new ...

Why We Go to ChurchI was irritated with my kids all through church and the entranced by them later that afternoon at the beach. So which one was the more spiritual experience?

It would be so much easier if we just stayed put on Sunday mornings.

Take yesterday as an example.

Even though our kids wake up a good four hours before the service starts, somehow we scramble to get everyone showered and dressed and out the door. There's a fight over who drives ...

Let there be Yes: A Poem and Giveaway by Sarah Dunning ParkPoet and mother Sarah Dunning Park shares a poem and some thoughts about saying no, and saying yes, to our kids.

Today's guest post is from Sarah Dunning Park. I had the privilege of receiving a review copy of her book a while back, and after I read it, I wrote: "Sarah Dunning Park has given parents of young children a great gift in this book. She has taken the quotidian life of laundry ...

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