Will You Help Bring Timofei Home? Down Syndrome, the Russian Adoption Ban, and a Little Boy Who Needs a FamilyWhat would it take for a little boy with Down syndrome in a Russian orphanage to come home to his American adoptive family?

Penny and I were sitting outside in the shade. She had cuddled as close as she could, with her body pressed against my side and her head resting on my chest. Marilee and William were on the jungle gym, arguing over who gets to go up the slide next. I was scrolling through email ...

How I Make Sense of My LifeHow do you make sense of both pain and beauty?

As I mentioned in a post last week, I've been reading My Bright Abyss by Christian Wiman, and I could (and might) write a post that jumps off from every chapter it includes. (If you get nothing else from this post, get this–if you like thoughtful, beautifully-crafted writing ...

What Our Children Teach Me About Prayer"I still sometimes wish I had an orderly prayer life, but I'm also grateful for the disruptions my children have offered. Because it is in those disruptions that they continue to teach me how to pray."

Earlier this week, I shared the link to a new article I wrote for InTouch Magazine about Praying with Penny. But it's a story that never ends, because all of our kids are constantly teaching me more about how to pray.

Recently, there was the night when we were reading The Berenstein ...

When Heaven and Earth Meet--Experiencing a Thin PlaceWhen was the last time you experienced a thin place, a place where heaven and earth seemed to touch, if only for an instant?

Every so often it seems right to remind myself and those of you who read this blog that it is a place that is loosely ordered, a set of posts that should hold together, even if only by a single thread. Yes, I write about faith and family and disability, with some cultural commentary ...

Bridging the Gap, or Why I Feel Uneasy About Being Penny's MomI sometimes feel uneasy about being the mother of a child with special needs, and it's not what you might think...

I sometimes feel a strange sense of guilt, or at least dis-ease, about Penny. It's not what you might think. I'm about as comfortable as I can imagine being with a child who has Down syndrome, and I think my kids are too. (The other day, I  was explaining that some athletes ...

Praying With PennyHow my daughter with Down syndrome taught me to pray

I have a new article in InTouch Magazine (not the one that's like People Magazine, the Christian one). Some of the content will be familiar to those of you who read this blog regularly, but I still thought you'd appreciate this reflection on what Penny has taught me about prayer ...

On Mother's Day, What I Admire About My ChildrenI often bemoan the countless hours I've given to my children. This Mother's Day, I'm trying instead to recognize what they have given me.

I kind of mean it as a joke when I point out the fact that I am responsible for 80 toenails and fingernails (mine, plus three kids'). Peter kind of means it as a joke when he says, "You just make breakfast and lunch for the kids and yourself. Don't worry about me." But I am ...

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