A New Kind of Missions TripSustainable, inexpensive, local, and relational in nature. Part two of my interview with Cameron Doolittle
A New Kind of Missions Trip

Yesterday I interviewed Cameron Doolittle, President and CEO of Jill's House, a respite care ministry for families with children with disabilities. Today's post is a follow up from that interview, focused on Oxygen3, the program Jill's House has developed so that ...

A Ministry for Parents at the End of Their RopeJill's House President Cameron Doolittle talks about a rhythm of respite for families in need
A Ministry for Parents at the End of Their Rope

I first learned about Jill's House—a respite care facility for children with disabilities—at a Q Conference in 2012. I've stayed in touch with Cameron Doolittle, Jill's House's President, since then, and I'm running an interview with Cameron today ...

Please Don't Call My Daughter an AngelThe twin problem of low expectations and angelic expectations undermine what we all have in common
Please Don't Call My Daughter an Angel

I received a music video from a friend yesterday. It's about children with special needs, and the singer means well. She wants to affirm children with intellectual disabilities. She wants to reassure parents. She wants to cast a spotlight on her own flaws and failings ...

Four Ways to Help Your Child Love ReadingReading is in decline among adolescents. Parents can help.
Four Ways to Help Your Child Love Reading

If you were conducting a poll and asked me if I read regularly to my children, I would say yes. I can name chapter books we have enjoyed with our older two: James and the Giant Peach, Pippi Longstocking, The Trumpet of the Swan, among others. I can point to our youngest child's ...

Weekly Roundup 5.15.14: Can Christians Live in Beautiful Homes? and other thoughtsA few posts worth reading on family, faith, disability, and culture
Weekly Roundup 5.15.14: Can Christians Live in Beautiful Homes? and other thoughts

I didn't get much reading done this week, what with another round of the throw-up bug hitting our house on the heels of Penny's ballet recital, Mother's Day, and the school spring concert. We did manage to finish Pippi Longstocking and start Owls in the Family ...

How Sex, Busyness, Mobility, and the American Dream can Impede FriendshipHouse of Cards, my kids, and a Tedx talk all got me thinking about the nature of friendship
How Sex, Busyness, Mobility, and the American Dream can Impede Friendship
Dani vr/Flickr

I've been thinking about the nature of friendship.

It started, oddly enough, with House of Cards, a show in which no one has any true friends. But as the season progressed Rachel—a former call girl who is trying to keep her head down and create some stability ...

We Can't Care About Everyone All the TimeWhen I didn't feel upset about horrific news reports, I wondered if something was wrong with me.
We Can't Care About Everyone All the Time
See Li/Flickr

I have only paid cursory attention to the hundreds of girls kidnapped recently by a militant group in Nigeria. And even when I have stopped to listen to an NPR update on the situation, I haven't registered any emotional response. I could have tried to get my heart to ...

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