Quote of the Week: Anne Lamott

"My pastor Veronica says, 'Peace is joy at rest and joy is peace on its feet.'"

–from Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith

Some Thoughts on Trying to Become a Super-Mom"It feels very strange, to be this mom who thinks ahead and offers relatively healthy eating options and models moderately healthy holistic habits of spirituality and physical activity and rest. Um, do you hate me yet? Because a year ago, I would have hated me."

We've gotten through our transition year. It took us four moves to get here, but we are in this house to stay. The kids are back to school and they all seem happy and well adjusted. We still have the normal ear infections and toenail cutting and sibling bickering, but all in ...

How My Children Have Helped Me Become Perfectly Human by Andi Sligh"When I became a mom, I thought my job was to mold and shape my children into their best selves. To my surprise, my children have molded and shaped me." Blogger Andi Sligh shares her journey as a mother to two children with special needs.

I was raised to achieve things.

I was a third-generation valedictorian of my high school class, like my mother before me and her mother before her. Both of my parents have master's degrees. Growing up, I was The Smart Kid, voted Most Likely to Succeed. I went to college, earned ...

Will and Kate Help the World Imagine Possibilities for People with Down SyndromeWhy it matters that Will and Kate accepted a painting by a woman with Down syndrome for their son's nursery.

After Penny was born, people kept telling me about the "amazing" things people with Down syndrome could do. A part of me liked hearing the stories–of men and women who started businesses, completed serious athletic feats, sang in choirs, played instruments, and so forth. A part ...

What I'm Tweeting and What I'm Reading This Week

The tweets:

What one mother learned from having a child with #DownSyndrome @SippingLemonade ow.ly/ozxpj #Family #Parenting

"You Can't Have It All, but You Can Have Cake" @nytimes ow.ly/oIyR6 #Choices #Success #HighSchoolNeverEnds

What does #HavingItAll mean to you? http://ow.ly/oIzoM#Success#Approval ...

Books for Spiritual Formation and EncouragementMy recommendations for spiritual reading for the whole family...

A friend recently asked for my recommendations for books that might offer spiritual formation and encouragement, for parents and children alike.

Here's what I had to say:

As for the kids, the book we have is called The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd Jones. Very readable ...

Perfectly Human: This is What it Means to be Included by Tim FallCan a courtroom give us a glimpse of heaven? Guest blogger Tim Fall thinks so....

"This is what it means to be included."

The mother's words jumped out at me from the radio. Included.

Two year old Tatum Bakker had never been able to swing on a playground swing set until they visited Brooklyn's Playground on their way through Pocatello, Idaho. It's a playground ...

The Particular Griefs of September 11Perhaps it is that relationship between the particular and public nature of grief that our experience brings to bear upon the historic events of September 11th.

Ten years ago today, I was with my mother-in-law as she died. I watched her fight. And I watched the life leave her body.  Afterwards, the scent of lilies and lavender. A clear blue sky. A sense, if not of relief, then at least of finality. It took a long time for me to cry.

What a New Guinness Ad Has to Do with My Son and the Word IncludeWilliam asked me what it meant to include his friend. Sometimes I'm not so sure we understand it, even as adults. But here's one picture of true inclusion.

"Mom, everyone keeps using the word include, but I don't know what that word means."

I had just finished a gentle reprimand because William and his friend had refused to let another friend into their fort. "Remember, William? We always include our friends." ...

Why Aren't Christians Flooding Yoga Retreat Centers?I was a little weirded out by the buddhist figurines and the chanting and the incense. But by the end, I was convinced that Christians should be flooding yoga retreat centers...

In early July, I went to Kripalu, a yoga center in the Berkshire mountains, for a two day retreat with an old friend. Not only did we practice yoga three times a day, we also ate copious amounts of healthy food, enjoyed the sight of the mountains and the lake, talked and talked ...

Do Your Kids Practice Yoga?

Should yoga be banned in public schools?

I joined two other writers to try to answer this question for the September issue of Christianity Today:

My children began to learn yoga through our local public preschool a few years ago. They came home eager to show me "butterfly," "snake," ...

The Days are Long, but the Years are ShortAre you happy or sad that your kid has gone back to school?

When my kids were younger, older parents would see us in public and say things like, "Cherish every moment. It goes by so fast." Or, "I remember those days like they were yesterday. I miss them." Or, "Be thankful for the time you have with them. Before you know it, they'll be ...

Interrupting Vacation to tell you...My first interview with Penny for Red Letter Christian and a shout out from Parents.com. Now, back to not blogging...

No, really, I'm not writing a blog post. I promise. I'm working on the new big project, I'm taking walks by the seaside, I'm reading great books, and I'm enjoying my three kids (more stories to come, especially on the kid side, in September).

But two things happened this past ...

Learning to Love Summer (see you after Labor Day!)Why I have decided to take the rest of the month off from blogging, even though it means more time with my kids...

One of the posts I've been meaning to write since June would be called My Love-Hate Relationship with Summer. And then I'd go on to detail the joys of this time with our kids–Penny and William learning to swim, dancing at the town concert for the fourth of July, watching the ...

Who I'm Reading: an Introduction to Micha Boyett on Spirituality, Family, and St. Benedict

Today I'd like to introduce you to another writer I love, especially when it comes to spirituality and family, my friend Micha Boyett. Before I give her the stage, let me direct you to one of my favorite posts of hers, one which I intended to share with you all long ago. It's ...

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