Go Yankees!

I could care less about baseball. (Or is it, I couldn't care less about baseball?) Either way, baseball to me signifies two things: rivalry between my husband (a Yankees fan) and the rest of my immediate family (Red Sox die hards), and late nights in October.

At breakfast this ...

The Diagnosis of Down Syndrome

Ellen Hsu has written a narrative of learning that her son, Elijah, had Down syndrome. It is available here.

My comment (also posted on the other blog):

I also have a child with Down syndrome, a daughter, age 3 1/2. And we too were shocked to discover, upon birth, that she had ...

What Happens After You Die?

Does it matter how we care for those who have died?
New post on the Park Forum: The Moral Implications of Mourning

Jesus and Down Syndrome

This post appeared yesterday on the Park Forum, and the issues it raises are important enough to me that I wanted to repost it in its entirety here, with some additional questions at the end:

The title of the article gives away much of the content: Three Babies Aborted Every ...

The First Couple

New Post on the Park Forum: "Private Love and Public Hope" about the Obama's marriage.

Thought for the Day: Eternity and Time

"Because we are mortal, and because all religion responds to mortality, our intimations of the sacred arise from our experience of the tension between the mortal existence of humankind and the eternal life of God." –David P. Goldman, in "Sacred Music, Sacred Time," First ThingsEven ...

Education and Participation in the Kingdom, Part 2

I was drinking a hot toddy (is that how it's spelled? and, yes, I had a bad cold) with a friend in Boston last week, and we were talking about education. I told her that Peter and I have been particularly interested in a fledgling movement in public school education whereby ...

Anglicans and Catholics Together?

New Post on the Park Forum: "That They All May Be One."

Where is God in the Storm?

New post on the Park Forum: Natural Disasters. Incidentally, there's an interesting comment with a link to a video clip posted here too.

More to come on the education topic... soon...

Education and Participation in the Kingdom, Part 1

We've lived in a boarding school for seven years now, and six of those have been in a dorm with thirty high school boys. In general, it's been great (I have blocked out last year, when William left us so sleep-deprived that we couldn't see straight and I didn't even learn the ...

Penelope Ayers

Hi all,

I just noticed that my book, Penelope Ayers, is on sale on amazon.com at the moment for $11.69 (how on earth they set these prices, I have no idea). Click here if you're interested.

I just returned from a week of book-related events in the Boston area, so the story is ...

The Humility of God

A few months ago, Ken Myers, of the Mars Hill Audio Journal (if you don't know about this, I highly recommend checking it out), interviewed a historian. Of course, I can no longer remember the historian's name, or the name of the Enlightenment thinker about which he spoke. Sorry. ...

Remember Me...

New Post on the Park Forum, relating the thief on the cross to Hospice care in America's prisons: click here.

Adoption, One More Time

If you haven't had a chance to read through the comments on last week's post on adoption, I commend them to you. If you are one of the people who contributed to that conversation, thank you. You've helped me to clarify some of my own thinking on the issue, and you've prompted ...


I would like to have another biological child, and can argue that the desire is good. Children are a gift from God, after all (See Psalm 127:3).

And yet, there are millions of orphans in the world. And over and over again, Biblical writers urge those of us who follow God to take ...

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