Church & Culture
Invite People To Your Church, But Point Them To Jesus
Committing to Jesus and committing to the church, while interlinked, are not the same thing.
Invite People To Your Church, But Point Them To Jesus
Image: Gift Habeshaw | Unsplash

What’s happening with church attendance?

In just the last few weeks I’ve heard some of my fellow pastors say

  • “What is it with people lately? Does church just not matter anymore?”
  • “Is it just me, or do people in your church use the summer months as a get out of church card, too?”
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Innovative Ministry
How To Discover Your Ministry When Your Calling Isn’t What You Expected
If you can’t do the kind of ministry that’s expected of you, try the unexpected.
How To Discover Your Ministry When Your Calling Isn’t What You Expected
Image: Marten Newhall | Unsplash

One of the first steps to figuring out what you do well is to find out what you don’t do well and cross it off your list.

That’s how I ended up being the “go-to small church guy”.

No matter how hard I tried, how much I learned, how often I prayed, or how ...

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Christian Unity
Why I'll Never Give Up On The Church
I can never give up on the church because I can never give up on people. And because Jesus never gave up on us.
Why I'll Never Give Up On The Church
Image: Gerry Wood | Flickr

When I hear about people leaving the church, my heart breaks.

Certainly, the church is messy. It’s broken. It’s in constant need of repentance, forgiveness, revitalization, renewal and reappraisal.

That’s how it is with families.

And, because the church truly ...

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Church & Culture
No, The Universe Doesn’t Care About Us – That’s Why We Need Jesus
The universe didn’t die for you. Jesus did. That makes all the difference.
No, The Universe Doesn’t Care About Us – That’s Why We Need Jesus
Image: Connie Baker | Unsplash

The universe is trying to tell us something.”

Last night as I was watching TV, a character said that line so matter-of-factly that it almost rolled past me without notice. After all, I’ve heard people say that in person and in popular entertainment hundreds of times. ...

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Innovative Ministry
5 Tips To Reduce Misunderstandings In An Information-Soaked Culture
No one is a perfect communicator. Even if our facts are correct, the way we say them matters.
5 Tips To Reduce Misunderstandings In An Information-Soaked Culture
Image: John Schnobrich | Unsplash

Never underestimate the possibility that someone will misunderstand what you’re saying.

That’s always been one of my guiding principles whenever I speak or write. And it’s becoming more important every day for anyone who wants to communicate accurately, clearly ...

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Church Leadership
“We Only Need To Be Faithful” Can Never Be An Excuse For Ineffective Ministry
If a church isn’t being effective, is it being faithful?
“We Only Need To Be Faithful” Can Never Be An Excuse For Ineffective Ministry
Image: Kylo | Unsplash

You don’t have to be a big church, you need to be a faithful church.”

I’ve said and written that, or some version of that, so many times I’ve lost count.

On the other hand, I’ve read and heard other Christian leaders say “it’s not enough ...

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Innovative Ministry
4 Unexpected, Counterintuitive Truths About Uncool Churches
When a church is blessing the people they’re called to reach, they should be celebrated, not ridiculed for not being cool enough.
4 Unexpected, Counterintuitive Truths About Uncool Churches
Image: Kathy Hillacre | Unsplash

In recent years, I’ve spent a lot of time ministering in churches of various sizes, styles, denominations and regions of the world.

Because most of my work involves resourcing small churches, a lot of that time has been spent in rural communities, agricultural areas and ...

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